Action against delinquent Police Officers for not Registering FIR latest Judgement of the supreme court Writ Petition (Crl.) No.68/2008 LALITA KUMARI vs. GOVT.OF U.P.& ORS.
The Apex Court thrased the states governments, DGPS, SPs amd commissioners for not filing responses in the matter (Only govenrnment of Uttarpradesh and Arunanchal Pradesh file their affodavits in response). Th Apex Court gave last chance to file responses till August 25, 2008 failing which DGPs/CPs shall have to appear in court in-person on August 25, 2008. Meantime order dated 14/07/2008 will continue. Apex court directed that orders dated 14/07/2008 and 08/08/2008 (orders are put on courts website also) be sent to the Registrar Generals of all the High Courts for further communication of same to sessions and magistrate courts. #pdf