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Dowry demand and physical harashment

(Querist) 28 May 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Reputed Members,

I am looking for your valuable suggestion before proceeding to the below matter!

My sister is almost married now 11 years and has one son 9 years. We have been fooled from begining by my sisiters husband and family. They told us that the he has secured a govt. job in place of his father since he died and never join the same. In the term of 11 years of marrige my sister almost stayed with my parrent around 7-8 years in frequent time. Since he doesnt want to work and want to work so he joined so many private job at small level and never took any job seriously infact he is a big timer of jua & satta and do witch craft and local level and fooling lots of local, Every time he fought with my sister and demanded dowry and sent her to my parrents home every time and after six month some time 1 years call again and convinced my sisiter to go back. since she is a women with a son dont wanted to have a divorce or file a complaint due to hope that one day he will understand which never happensd so. althogh my parrents have given him some money time to time even several years of marrige some time bank transfer and some time cash alomost 6-7 lakh. Even repeated dowry demand and paid him sevral time he is not changing. currently my sisiter is their and now they are beating him every day and demanding 4 lakh to pay for people as his debt from the jua and etc. My sisiter finally realized that he is not going to change and now wants to proceed for Filing case against him ,his husband brother and his wife as they all are involve in all the torture and process.

My submission to you all is please guide me how we should proceed and what all we need to take care.
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 28 May 2018
This is pure case of domestic violence against your sister for which your sister can file appropriate complaint against her husband and all those person living in domestic relationship with her for indulging in acts of domestic violence against her and minor son. The court under the Protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act, 2005 shall order for protection of both of them from the respondents named, as well give order for maintenance to be provided to wife and minor son on regular basis apart from providing order for providing proper place of residence if they are thrown out by the respondent from the house.
ABHINAV SAXENA (Querist) 28 May 2018
Dear Ms. Kamakshi,
Thanks a lot for such a generous words, you totally proved me fake and praised my effort. Who has got time to make stories and putting on the forum and again reply to that. Ms. I don't know what you understood by my query unless you cant hurt me so much. It seems you have several questions so you answered me in that mannered. I will do final attempt to make you clear the situation since you also replied on my query in detailed no matter positive or negative. please allow me:-
1- My sister got married in 2006 at the age of 24 years. The Family fooled us that he is going to get the govt. job in a month since his father expired on duty and he will replace him being a elder son. which never happened.
2- Initially they did not demanded dowry but his sister and mother tortured my sister mentally. She used to stay with in laws house 2 month then 6 months at my parents house. We thought it will be over with time.
3- My sister was pregnant and they send her to my house for whole 1year 0 contribution during maternity. then the guy came and made a settlement and took her back with the new born baby boy again happened same and asked my sister to leave the house and she had to come back. My parents and I suggested her many time that this is not going to work out and you should stand on your leg and she pursued 1 year nursing course staying at my home with our cost. But the guy and family don't allowed him to work and him self doing nothing. He made several call to my parents and asking for help which my parent did by bank transfer and many time cash. Only reason we had this much that my sister always had a hope that things will be on once and I cant leave him. my sister cam several time and went back during this period, my family took the responsibility to send some money every month to support his son study and home contribution all bank transferred. My father is retired govt. employee and he had a massive stroke in Delhi and it took a lot our money and savings so now my parents count send her money from few months and the guy became extra aggressive, openly demanding 4 lakh else you leave my house now. from last few days he started beating her and abusing her in front of his 9 year old son. My sister want now a permanent solution but now he is threatening if you go to court he will commit suicide and name my parent and brother(My self), You said I am playing Krishna avtar, Madam I was working abroad and most of the money which we gave to her husband is from my salary. My father cant afford this. We are not adding ghee to the fire that's why asking you to suggest but you totally proved me fake. Each and every word I wrote is the truth. We want to proceed for filing FIR next week but want to make sure that how we should proceed through you guys experience and help. As far as her rest of life, carrier his son responsibility is concern then she can do some job in home town and we will support best we can since if she lives their we have been doing the same. Ms. Kamakshi I understood your point completely but advice me with this situation considering everything is stated is facts and truth. After reading your reply I got hopeless and worried that whole of our case looks like a fabricated story. You may ask anything for any clarification....
Guest (Expert) 28 May 2018
Dear Anurag Saxena,
What generous words you can expect from a negative minded crooked, crack and empty headed quack, who seems to believe that the parents and siblings always remain liable even after marriage of a girl? You cannot expect any good word out of a bad mouthed lady.

On the name of her legal advice, you would be well justified to ask that lady, which section of which law prescribes that the parents are required to make a sumptuous FDs of 10 lakhs for the children of the girl even after marriage of the girl. A matter of commonsense, which seems to be beyond her understanding, if she thinks that parents are liable for the maintenance of their daughter for the whole of her life, where is the need for marrying the girls. She forgets that if a girl is married, the whole responsibility and liability rests with her husband to maintain her and to give some good living conditions, if not prosperous life, to his wife for the whole of her life.

What I feel, she must have been a spoiled child of her parents and must also have deserted her husband and become the liability of her seemingly well affording parents. She must also have got an FD of 20-30 lakhs in the name of her children from her father. Else, she would have been bitten by domestic violence case by her sister-in-law due to her extremely developed foul language. If that be, she must have been a tyranny for her brother's wife. Like her present advice to you, she must also have been demanding from her sister in law, why her parents or brothers have not made FD for her children. You can very well understand the character of the advising lady from the nature of her advice.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 29 May 2018
I agree with Dhingra Ji.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 29 May 2018
I am not in favour of depositing money in the name of kid of a gambler. It takes 10 minutes to break FD by a woman habitual to welcome matiral torture. But I do agree with ms Kamakshi that you had been stupidly giving money to him with wild hope and have come to this situation.

Further you say that you were fooled that he was govt employee. No less contribution from you. You also opted to be fooled and made no proper inquiry.

You also stated that your sister does not want to file any complaint nor wants divorce.

Well she can afford to think so as she has a rich & stupid brother like you who is willing to feed her and her child at the cost of your own family little realising that after a few years you will be insulted well by her and her child (this happens in each case where one feeds his poor relatives)

However I do observe that 11 years of torture and dowry demand and the man (an his family) is still out of jail.

Do you really want this forum to believe that so far none advised you that 2+2=4?
Do you really want this forum to believe that so far none has advised you what should be done?
Do you really want this forum to believe that you were not avoiding legal advise so far?
Do you really want this forum to believe that there may be any benefit by giving you any sort of advise?

If your sister is getting beaten every day for dowry demand (encouraged by you patiently) and doe snot want to complaint then there is hardly anything that you can do. Let her be beaten daily and be happy there if she does not want to assert her human rights.

After all it is she and your parents who had made beating a profitable business for her husband. You had taught him well that he cannot extract even a rupee without beating and by beating the bounties will open on him.

If you take suo-motto action it will backfire as such like woman always depose in favour of husband
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
Ms. Kamakshi,
You may give even 100 likes to any expert that does not make any difference for me, as I do not work for getting likes. Further that does not also ensures a quack like you to prove as an expert/. That should be your own concern to understand, how you should behave like a professional, if you are really an advocate, which I doubt very much from the type of advice you usually render, like an arrogant and spoiled child of your parents.. Through your latest post addressed to Mr. Saxena, you have still misbehaved with him like an extremely Schizophrenic woman. You don't even have a commonsense, how to address a third person.

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 29 May 2018
Adv Kamakshi mind your language, you have no right to take my name and name my parents here. You are person writing all nonsense in this forum. Doubt if you are really a lawyer providing senseless opinions which have nothing to do with legal system of the country.
Next time you take my name here for defaming me I will sue you for heavy damages.
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
I absolutely agree with Sudhir Kumar's advice and Ms. Kamaskhi's advice.

With a decade of marriage one should always think of how to better the relationship by love and affection that too behave in good way in front of son. So that parents actions wont have negative impact on son.

To file case you can catch hold of some advocate locally and tell him specifically to spoil peace of mind of opposite parties. They will file required cases.

To do that much you need not type 10 pages on online free legal forum.

I advice you to follow advice of Ms. Kamakshi who is well versed with family matter cases.

And the fake ID experts please leave the woman alone. It does not look good that you trouble a woman lawyer online.
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
I absolutely agree with Sudhir Kumar's advice and Ms. Kamaskhi's advice.

With a decade of marriage one should always think of how to better the relationship by love and affection that too behave in good way in front of son. So that parents actions wont have negative impact on son.

To file case you can catch hold of some advocate locally and tell him specifically to spoil peace of mind of opposite parties. They will file required cases.

To do that much you need not type 10 pages on online free legal forum.

I advice you to follow advice of Ms. Kamakshi who is well versed with family matter cases.

And the fake ID experts please leave the woman alone. It does not look good that you trouble a woman lawyer online.
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
I absolutely agree with Sudhir Kumar's advice and Ms. Kamaskhi's advice.

With a decade of marriage one should always think of how to better the relationship by love and affection that too behave in good way in front of son. So that parents actions wont have negative impact on son.

To file case you can catch hold of some advocate locally and tell him specifically to spoil peace of mind of opposite parties. They will file required cases.

To do that much you need not type 10 pages on online free legal forum.

I advice you to follow advice of Ms. Kamakshi who is well versed with family matter cases.

And the fake ID experts please leave the woman alone. It does not look good that you trouble a woman lawyer online.
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
Ms Kamakshi,

You are welcome to Agra, I shall definitely reach there to help you get you admitted and a bed allotted in the mental hospital without any hassle. Just tell me the date, when you propose to reach there..

You are really a crack with absolutely disturbed mind. You surely need shock treatment at a mental hospital. I am sure, you must have deserted your husband and would have become a burden on your parents. I can pity on them. Your parents and husband may also feel relieved during your stay at the mental hospital.

ABHINAV SAXENA (Querist) 29 May 2018
I am thankful to All of you for your kind advice and suggestions, People can have diffrent opinion and prospective to the same matter. You guys are really doing voluntary job and dedicating precious time for peoples legal issues, where they must have to pay heavy fees before proceeding with.
@kamakshi Ma;am- We are very unfortunat nation where still millions of women going through this atrocities and they really dont have wisdom & caliber like you. But if it is late doesnt mean they compromise whole life. Dowry, Harrashment can be done at any stage and we have thousand eamples. no matter we made some mistake at past and allow time to heal, because still divorce and legal process is still a big stigma in our society and people wants to avoid it as much as possible.
1- We had a proper check and saw the documents bt if he din join we count help.
2- There is difference between coming home and sending forcefully, Then again petching up and repeating it. we know we made mistakes and we have this now. but is it too late? we cant let her live in a family now wher they have transformed into dowry monster and abusing her physically. We dont want to spoil her future and we do have a concern of her son. another marrige not a question for her as well.
i think if she dont want to stay anymore we can call her and help her to stood tall, Find some job and concentrate on her son and life, Any ways we have millions of women doing the same. Since you advised if the guy commit sucide we will be in trouble. As per you we looks stand fake then we avoid legal litigation and try to build a normal life. we can help her as and when required and lead a noraml life. i can go on explaining but i guess most of you understood what i meant.
Again thanks to all
@ Dhingra ji- Sir thanks a lot for stood so tall and advising.
thanks to rest of the members as well.
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
Dear Shri Anurag Saxena,

You are welcome. Apparently, you did not come at this platform just to get reminded about your past mistakes. I must add, if some one counts on past mistakes of his/her client, instead of giving some appropriate advice how to come out safe out of the present problem, he can never be a real professional. He can only be a top ranking quack. If Ms. kamakshi is a really a family laws lawyer, I don't think she would be getting any business from the clients merely by reminding about their mistakes, or most probably, she may be a blackmailer to extract money through her blackmailing tactics from her clients by stressing upon their mistakes only and making them more and more puzzled. I doubt, if she would have got any justice for them from any court of law with her absolutely negative attitude towards the ladies suffering due to domestic violence.

Not only that, you must have seen that another non-professional lawyer appeared on the scene to support his gesture, as if he is really a top ranking expert in family laws, whereas, he rendered quite a wrong advice to one lady to remarry her without getting divorce, as in the following thread:

Even a layman can say with confidence that an already married lady cannot remarry without getting divorce legally. But the irony is that the expert claims to have a pretty long experience in family laws, but still preferred to deliberately mislead that lady. So, you can very well guess, what type of expert he can also be.
ABHINAV SAXENA (Querist) 29 May 2018
Dear Mr. Dhingra,
I just saw your link and really found the meaning of A QUACK. Is it possible that people can pretend to be a lawyer in this forum ?
Many Thanks
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
I absolutely concur with your sentiments.

But sentiments alone will not solve problems. Your sister might look to be in problem today. But thinking of solving this problem you all should not become problem for each other for the rest of your lives. Is it not?
There is no solution for marriage problems in Law or in Courts. If any soulution was there it was there in husband and wife themselves.

When they themselves become problem to each other, not you, not dingra nor anyone who replied here including Ms. Kamakshi can solve your sisters life problem.

Marriage is about adjusting with each other. If one has not capacity to forgive and forget and accept, then such people should not marry and spoil their own lives and lives of their loved one's. Here neither your sister is happy nor her husband is happy nor anyone is happy. Is it not?

Think a lot before moving for divorce or any false case which will again spoil your lives further.

Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
Ms. Kamakshi seems to start writing anything blind folded without properly referring to the query and others opinions. Often quacks, like her, give any irrelevant advice even without understanding the basic question.

Question arises, who gave suggestion for divorce for her sister and from where the context of divorce has come up, when Mr. Saxena has very clearly stated that her sister does not want divorce and nobody has also advised his sister to go for divorce?

Mr. Saxena simply asked to guide him how they should proceed and what all they need to take care. But, Ms. Kamakshi tried to make a hill out of a mole that too by using all of her arrogance, instead of guiding him what he should do and to take care.
P. Venu (Expert) 29 May 2018
Given the tone and tenor of the posting, I lack the expertise or the proficiency to make any meaningful suggestion.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 30 May 2018
I have also disagreed with the views of M Kamakshi regarding FD in favour of child. For this purpose I never needed to insult her.

I am also not able to agree with the idea of continuing marriage simply because she may not get maintenance form jobless husband. If marriage continues then negative maintennace (continued dowry demand) will persists and get harsher.

If he is demanding dowry by beating and threatens suicide if stopped from this then this is all the more necessary to take acriminal action and breaking of marriage.




His sister will continue with present hellish life.
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
@ Ms. Kamakshi,
Your irritation and frustration in failing to find any justification of your advice is clearly revealed from your latest posts. Rather that reveals more of your kaminapan, irrespective of your claim to be an advocate on family laws, you have clearly demonstrated your advocacy on unethical advice compelling the parents and siblings of girls to burn out their pockets more & more in addition to dowry, if the husbands and in-laws torture their girls.

From all your posts so far on such issues, you have proved that you are anti women with no sympathy for the girls tortured by the husbands and in-laws.
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
Mr. Sudhir Kumar, instead of patting his back with self appreciation, may better suggest some solution to avoid hellish life of the girl. Had he been asked why he did not find the need to insult her, as he stated without any reference made to him to arbitrate on the issue and announce his decision with his unwarranted comments?

Contrarily,, Mr. Sudhir Kumar may also confirm, if Ms. kamakshi has got the right to insult anyone and everyone that too profusely with all her arrogance towards the query maker and the experts, except himself.

He should avoid becoming a self imposed arbitrator in issues with others. He may better shun his bachkaanapan and doglapan for his own fun and merry making out of the difference of opinions or disputes of others, as usually observed on his part. He should bear in mind, tamasha dekhna kayi baar bahut mehnga bhi padd sakta hai that too likely from his own subordinates any time during his service period. His position as Dy Director in Government organization demands from him to behave with all his sensibility and responsibility, not to instigate and provoke others, if unable to provide an honourable solution to settle the issues. In fact, with his last post, he has done nothing, except adding fuel to the fire. As per my observation, he can only be a totally irresponsible and insensible Officer of the Government of India. I can also guess, he may be surviving in his department due to his touting and chamchagiri of his superiors. I can very well understand that he is fond of flattery, flattering others with his vested interests and liking flattery from others. But that does not pay always. That may neither make him a lawyer, nor even a sensible expert. Had he been so expert in law, he would not have drawn terse observation of a query maker against him at the following thread, where he has observed complete silence;

Even the same lady, whom he tried to pamper, as above as of your flattering habit, made adverse remarks against Mr. Sudhir Kumar recommending kicking him out along with others, which the admin deleted in addition to deleting even the profile of the query maker.

He should better mind, such of his tactics cannot always give him rewards. He should better make mends in his ways, not to poke his nose everywhere.
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
The Song is from which movie please. Nice..............................
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
Only a bitch can think about a dog! She also remembers the important private part of her body! Not only that her expression demonstrates immense pangs caused by her irritation and frustration, she being unable to justify herself on any count! Her Cry with severe pain is quite loud. Pity on her! She must also be calling her dad, (c-h-u-t-i-y-a) and b-h-o-s-s-d-e-e k-a-y), etc., like she tried to bark at me.

However, through her latest posts, she has proved that she keeps only a fake ID in the name of Adv. Kamakshi.
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
Choice shows character sir. Really pitiable discussion. Dowry demands will always be there. This system wont go. Intellingence is in managing the situation than commiting suicide by approaching court and police. Hope my reply helps.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 30 May 2018
I have seen tht Ms Kamakshi has appreicted my views and convyed like. I can thank her.


I am not able to appreciate the type of language she is using.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 30 May 2018
I trust myself. So far Mr Dhingra could not make me to use insulting words for him. I may agree/disagree with his views but cannot insult him.
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
" Truth can be found only in person's records of actions, not with their list of intentions" -Suzy Kassem
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
Your quoted saying of Suzy Kassem perfectly fit in your case, Mr. NJS.
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2018
Mr. Sudhir Kumar,
I did not ask you, why you could not use insulting words for me. I just asked you the need and specific purpose for using the sentence, "I never needed to insult her" in your post without any context. Apparently, as a tamashbeen, that was just to provoke her for using abusive language. make sure, your own daughters may not get any such hellish life, as you indicated for the sister of the query maker, only due to your tamashbeeni, as I am sure, you cannot abandon the instinct of adding fuel to fire and cannot refrain to act in such a way even in the lives of your own son's-in-law and their families.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 31 May 2018
Still not able to provoke me.
P. Venu (Expert) 31 May 2018
Yes, it is an exceptional situation that some of the experts are less than professional in their opinions and that some of them, though countable on the finger, are stooping down to personal attacks and insults just for that other experts are having different opinions, most often better informed. It is my considered opinion that core values of this forum require that difference of opinion ought to be restricted to legal elements and the real test of professionalism lies in not being provoked to succumb to the temptation of having upper hand by insulting other experts and more importantly, the querists.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
"When others try to provoke (instigate) you and you don't get provoked, it is known as a spiritual victory." ___Dada Bhagwan.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
Very happy to know that Mr. Sudhir Kumar Dy. Manager is a Highly Spiritual Person.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
Mr. Sudhir Kumar Dy Manager could also post his spiritual advises to the querist please.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
Mr. Sudhir Kumar,
I am not provoking you to insult me, but the fact is that you don't have the words to justify your stand when asked, why you provoked Ms. use very ugly language against me. The fact cannot be denied that you are a proven tamaashbeen and a No.1 tout and flatterer to serve your selfish ends, a totally unreliable fellow.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
Of course a thick skinned and shameless person can't feel a pinch.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
Some expert though preach for core values, but keep that at bay when they try to differ with the opinion of others just for the sake of opposing the other expert to false prove him wrong without the support of any legal provision. Some people seem to make their sole aim to oppose a specific expert, howsoever his advice be correct. Contrarily, they just feel that their wrong and misleading advice should not at all be countered even by correct advice,. They forget that difference of opinion has no relevance if goes against the provisions of law.

Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
Some expert though preach for core values, but keep that at bay when they try to differ with the opinion of others just for the sake of opposing the other expert to false prove him wrong without the support of any legal provision. Some people seem to make their sole aim to oppose a specific expert, howsoever his advice be correct. Contrarily, they just feel that their wrong and misleading advice should not at all be countered even by correct advice,. They forget that difference of opinion has no relevance if goes against the provisions of law.

Guest (Expert) 31 May 2018
Some expert though preach for core values, but keep that at bay when they try to differ with the opinion of others just to oppose merely for the sake of opposing the other expert to falsely prove him wrong without the support of any legal provision. Some people seem to make their sole aim to oppose a specific expert, howsoever correct be his advice. Contrarily, they just feel that their wrong and misleading advice should not at all be countered even by correct advice,. They forget that difference of opinion has no relevance if that goes against the provisions of law.
Guest (Expert) 01 June 2018
Kamakshi aunty, if you like Mr. Sudhir Kumar, why don't you get married with him? A manner less abusive lady preaches about mannerism!
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 02 June 2018
Ms Kamakshi may call me gentleman I must be thankfulk to her.



I am not able to appreciate her language nor able to appreciate her comparison of mine with Mr Dhingra.

Mr Dhingra is still not able to provoke me.
Guest (Expert) 02 June 2018
Mr. Sudhir Kumar seems to pretend as if he does not understand, what I asked him to justify provoking Ms. kamakshi to use derogatory remarks/ abuses against me. He will not have to wait for the day, sooner or later, he will also get rewards of his tamashbeeni from that lady. Today, if she has called him gentleman, the day is not far off, when she would call him 'ch*t*a' and bho**dee ka'
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 04 June 2018
Let her file DV case andget Protection orders, residential orders, Compensation and Maintenance, Medical expenses from DV court. File section 125 CR.P.C and get interim maintenance.File a Divorce case contested against your husband on the ground of cruelty and desertion etc.Don't file Restitution of conjugal Rights.If he agrees file Divorce by Mutual consent. I doubt whether he is ready for MCD.Let the wife try to get into some gainful employment if she is qualified.
Guest (Expert) 04 June 2018
Kamagni aunty, why pretend to send address through your wasteful PMs. You don't have enough courage to give me your address and face the legal action for your heinous acts.

So far Mr. Sudhir Kumar is concerned, due to his doglapan and and is totally an unreliable Government Officer. Some time even during his service period, he may have to get taste of his doglapan, being an abettor of the crimes..
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 05 June 2018
not able to provoke.
P. Venu (Expert) 05 June 2018
I may be permitted to bring to the notice of expert Mr.Dhingra that “No one has any right to abuse women, and if done, it is a violation of rights..."

I request him not to let down this forum as well as himself, whatever may the context.
Guest (Expert) 05 June 2018
@ Mr. P. Venu,
Mr. P. Venu may like to clarify whether a woman, named Kamakshi has the right to hurl very bad abuses on this open forum against anyone. If he prefers to advice me, he should also keep her eyes wide open what vulgarity others use against experts. Before writing his sermons for me, he should well have opened the link that I reproduced in one of my post above and gone through the contents to know what type of abuses she hurled on me. If he intends to deliberately close his eyes on others vulgar posts, he does not enjoy any right to address me, just to add defamation for me, just like an associate of that lady. He should also make clear, what would have been his own reaction, had Ms Kamakshi called him (c-h-u-t-i-y-a) and (b-h-o-s-s-d-i k-a). If he is unable to understand the meaning of these abuses, he should rather have avoided any comment on me.

He should clearly know that by writing such a post, he is directly abetting and encouraging Ms. Kamakshi to abuse me and others to cause defamation on me more and more. Rather, by posting any comments against me in her favour without knowing what vulgar she written against me on the other thread, he himself hass committing a criminal offense to deliberately defame me.

Better, he should not act as a self imposed judge against my cause.
Guest (Expert) 05 June 2018
Whomsoever it may concern
Kuchh Gadhon ko, jinki samajh mein kuchh nahin aata ya besamjhi ka natak karte hain, unko provoke nahi kiya jaata, koi khaas sabak sikhaya jaata hai.

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