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(Querist) 12 November 2010 This query is : Resolved 
What is the Concept of the Secularism with Reference to Indian Socio Legal Context?
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 12 November 2010
secularism is purely related to Religion and society. It is to secure human rights -Secularism is for freedom justice and peaceful life.
s.subramanian (Expert) 12 November 2010
aman kumar (Expert) 12 November 2010
The Hindi word that is commonly albeit incorrectly used for "[secularism]" in India is dharmanirapekshata (धर्मनिरपेक्षता) and which ought to mean "indifference towards religion" but actually means "indifference to duty or Justice" The word Dharma is not to be confused with religion, it implies ...
A position that religious belief should not influence public and governmental decisions; The related political belief in the separation of church and state
secular - worldly: characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world; "worldly goods and advancement"; "temporal possessions of the church"
secular - profane: not concerned with or devoted to religion; "sacred and profane music"; "secular drama"; "secular architecture", "children being brought up in an entirely profane environment"
secular - of or relating to clergy not bound by monastic vows; "the secular clergy"
secular - layman: someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person
secular - laic: characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy; "set his collar in laic rather than clerical position"; "the lay ministry"
secularist - an advocate of secularism; someone who believes that religion should be excluded from government and education
Secular - Secularity (adjective form secular) is the state of being separate from religion.
secularist - A person who believes in or supports secularism
secular - Not specifically religious; Not bound by the vows of a monastic order; Temporal; something that is worldly or otherwise not based on something timeless; Happening from age to age; Long-term; Of or pertaining to long-term non-periodic irregularities, especially in planetary motion; Unperturbed ...
The promotion of secular policies like the separation of church and state. Not to be confused with Secularization, which aims to be a purely objective and value-free theory of in the sociology of religion. ...
The principle of separation between church and State.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 12 November 2010
This is a very long discussion but the basic thing is that State should not perform any of the duties confined to any particular religion whether it may be a subsidy for pilgrim for a particular religion or taking over the places of worship of another religion. The State shall have to ensure its 0% interference in the religious matters and it should be completely neutral in its way of working.

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