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Experts at MSNBC discovered  yesterday that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is contagious.  Presumably, Kathleen Sibelius is whipping up a vaccine which will soon be placed into the uber efficient HHS delivery system.

Army psychiatrist Malik Nadal Hasan slaughtered 13 people and wounded over thirty others.

This was no random shooting spree, Hasan chose his time, place and victims.  The Muslim doctor has a history of hatred toward the US, saying that the Religion of Peace really ought to rise up against the US.

The left is hysterically trying to  spin the Islam out of this attack, insisting that Hasan suffered from PTSD, despite the fact that he has never been in combat.  The Einsteins at MSNBC are reporting that Hasan caught PTSD by working with returning combat soldiers.

The reasoning is stupefying, even for liberals:  Hasan was distraught over the possibility of having to go to a war zone and decided to  work through his trauma by creating a bloodbath on an Army base.  By the way, was the possibility of combat never mentioned to Hasan during his years with the Army?

Having been provided with a free medical education funded by the US taxpayers, Hasan was reportedly upset about being picked on for being Muslim.  In a world run by the mainstream press, Islam is a class worthy of the highest possible protection against unpleasantness.   It’s not like he tried to put up a Christmas tree or something.

What we have learned about Hasan is that he got a lousy performance review.  He has been disciplined for pressuring others into becoming Muslim.  He admired home grown jihadis, including the Arkansas recruiter killer.  He handed out Korans before his rampage.  His neighbor told FNC that he had “Allah” written on his front door in Arabic.  He shouted “Allahu Akbar”, the traditional pre-massacre jihadi shout out.  He identified himself as Palestinian.  It seems plausible that he expected to die, given that he was surrounded by military  and civilian personnel who know how to shoot.  Why was Hasan still in the Army?

But we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions, according to Obama.  Sometimes the conclusions just jump right at you and grab you by the scruff to give you a good shake.  Apparently, the president needed a do over today after his astoundingly bad  handling of  the shooting incident yesterday.  In a public speech, the commander in chief joked around and gave shout outs before even addressing the jihad at Fort Hood.  So stunning was this display of Obama’s narcissistic lack of empathy that even NBC  in Chicago felt the need to chastise their favorite president.

The commander in chief  needs to explain to us why the FBI announced almost immediately after the shootings that there was no “nexus” with terrorism.  Was this Holder directed?

The staunchly pro-terrorist criminal enterprise known as CAIR showed disturbing alacrity in condemning Hasan’s jihad.  Since when was CAIR opposed to attacks on American troops?

Bending to the demands of political correctness is not only dangerous, it’s stupid.  How many times do we have to go through this to figure out that no matter how daft the lengths to which we go, liberals will never think it’s enough.

The Obama controlled media will try to attack this man-caused disaster from every angle but the conspicuous truth.  No doubt congress will soon take up the question of whether soldiers should be allowed access to firearms, just as soon as they are done trying to wreck health care.

The media have fabricated a number of asinine explanations for Hasan’s behavior.  What, they wail, could his motive possibly have been?  The anti-American pundits are proposing the  alternative hypotheses that Hasan was driven by viral PTSD, which he caught from the soldiers he counseled .  Or, perhaps the poor sensitive soul was tormented by unkind remarks about his Muslim ideology.

The American people are getting really good at seeing through liberal bamboozlement; they may not be so quick to buy into the liberal mythology about the Religion of Peace.  The left has a lot invested in keeping their phantasms alive.  Like toddlers, liberals tend to take the absurd to the extreme.  When they inevitably start blaming our soldiers for Hasan’s jihad, don’t expect the American people to put up with it.

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Category Criminal Law, Other Articles by - Raj Kumar Makkad 

