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Even after declaration of rights of disabled persons at united nations and it’s member states, it regret to experienced that departments of Govt of India failed to provide justifiable rules and regulations with regard to promotion, posting near home town, disability friendly environments, so that lot of disabled people facing unnecessary risks, troubles and harassments in any way. 

Basing on my experiences at get involved with several grievances that I ha ve received from disabled employees some of the reason for not obliging promotion to next higher cadre in all government services for all the grades and groups are due to superseding existing circulars/memos that envisages for promotion reservations at DOPT ,for the reason above all the government departments refusing promotions with difficulty status and poor disabled employees.  However after receiving several complaints from like minded people DOPT again issued an revised circular that without reservation in promotions it should be considered for persons with disability. 

Without reservation in promotions there are many loop holes in this systems as some disabled employees are lack behind access to office atmosphere due to their disability status thereby far behind for merits ,knowledge sharing etc, so that these disabled employee have only dreams of promotions to next higher cadre, hence reservation is must for lot of disabled employee who lack behind by free movements at offices/departments of government of India.

For about posting to nearby home town, cities and residential area on routine periodical transfers with regard to disabled employees  even DOPT has issued circular with concern for nearby home town postings ,some departments refusing DOPT circular that supports/envisages for home town or nearby to residence postings on the plea that some disabled people having lesser percentage of disability i.e., not using calipurse/crutches etc ,hearing impairment is not movement related disability ,further they refusing on the ground that DOPT circular on transfer to home town issue was only applicable to only serious disability and not for at all categories.  This shows un-equality among disabled people thereby violating Persons with Disability, Equal Opportunities ,Protection and Full  Participation Act-1995 also thereby facing lot of confuses between disabled community.

About disability friendly environments it reports from several disabled people that lot of works spots are showing jealous atmosphere towards them thereby using disabled employee for money making /tips etc when ever these disabled people in critical status !  So that some of disabled people automatically turned in to ragging, black/mailing and for funny cheatings etc.  This situations made in to divorce status for married disabled employees and also their children’s for separate livings etc., or unrespectable scene at family ‘residence etc.,  It also reports that some government offices yet to adopt barrier free buildings like setting up rams/wheel chair accessibility  and also for friendly toilets at all areas.  Removing misunderstandings and get awareness about disability movements will boost for an friendly scene for the persons with disability at public places like government and private offices at all.

About  for enhanced pension for disabled employees on retirement need to stress here that even Ex. Servicemen on retirement get pension along with their military pensions on the same way disabled people should get involved for implementing extra pension on the ground of their disability. 

On the conclusion it envisages from the UNCRPD, Article-27- Work and Employment – Part[e] mentioned about Career advancement’s inclusions, it means that while in career every disabled people needs advancement s like promotions, barrier free accommodations, posting nearby to home/residence ,so that disabled people should get right for reasonable demands have raised in their favour on RESERVATIONS IN PROMOTIONS IN EMPLOYMENT. Also India has ratified convention and we need to take concrete action to under take legal rights and  contained in the convention [Article-27]  Further UNCRPD Article-27, Work and Employment Section-2 envisages that states, parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities are not held equal basis with others, it means about hidden clues on promotion reservation and it’s inclusions.

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