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The Copenhagen meet, the meet to which 192 countries were made parties had ended in angry and wary of the country participant. The major purpose of the meet is to get to a resolution to save environment by means of cutting down the emission of carbondioxide. The agenda is to reinvent growth without causing pollution. But the agenda was not sought for the end was diverted because of the nasty negotiations amongst the participant countries. The issue is not the emissions, but to cut down the emissions. This task is not the one which has been sought in the recent times but has already been targeted and considered by so many countries. However, those countries did not know the means to achieve the target without costing their economies. The way which they are looking at is the way by which the carbon emissions can be cut without affecting our economy. This will need money. Each of the countries shall contribute their money to achieve this divine target of protecting the ecology. Now, lets look at the sectors causing the major portion of emission: industires and transportation. The establishment of industries has increased to a large extent. Why?? Why is there a huge increase in the same? We may get answers saying that most of the industries so established are the outcome of the greedy politicians and that these industries are established upon permits given by the governments without any concern for the environmental issues. But, these industries are the outcome of our needs, which is called 'consumer democracy'. Having democratic environment in any country is a good sign however, such democracy shall not cause a threat to a happy environment. Today, this consumer democracy is causing 'ecological destruction'. A human being is a part of ecology; when ecology is destructed then it causes life destruction as well. When earth is destroyed, trees are destroyed; then everything regenerates. Everything that is aprt of ecology regenerates, except human being. We are causing destruction of ourselves with our greedy minds. So, lets regulate the right of 'consumer democracy'. The means of industrial revolution is not causing destruction. Now everyone of us has to be a consumer in need of healthy and clean environment. Lets run an industry to protect the environment and protect ourselves. Along with industries, transportation also contributes its share to the emission of carbondioxide. Carbondioxide is emitted into the air because of our need for burning fuels. Industrialization, globalisation and development has made people and giving opportunities to people to become more and more rich. This made them lead a luxurious life. Their 'only' means of transportation today is 'car'. The usage of car has increased in a phenomenal way. Most of us consider car as a need today. It has become a major means of conveyance. It is honored as a major contributor of pollution also. What is the means to curtial these emissions? For the past twenty years, from the summit of Rio to Copenhagen, there have been considered many means to resolve this big problem. They include: i) Curtailing usage of plastic; ii) planting biofuel crops; iii) improving fuel economy of on so forth. But, the theory of this resolutions had remained in vein and had not resulted in any practice of the same. Moreover, the emissions increased. Now we have the Copenhagen summit to cut emission of gases. But this summit has turned to be a political play. The cutting of emissions costs money. The cost of paying for real emission reductions. India, for instance will have to bear the full costs of 20-25% carbon intensity reduction domestic target for 2020. This may also result in incidental costs. But, the cost of reduciton is the cost of lives. If we would still like to destroy our lives then we can continue with the destruciton we are doing now to the environment. Finally, small tips thatcan be practiced on our daily lives to cut down emissions of carbondioxide: i) prevent using plastic, instead of which we can use jute bags; ii) use bicycle for short distances and remember its not a threat to your reputation but its only a means to avoid threat to environment; iii) take bus as a means of transportation for long distances, if possible; iv) plant a takes few minutes and also saves years of our lives; v) usage of natural fertilizers like compost; vi) when you are travelling, please keep the engine of your vehicle off in the event you are in a traffic jam; vii) Using CFL or LED bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs etc., This list of tips is not exhaustive. Lets come up with more possible means of saving environment without waiting for resolution from the government. We are users of environment today and we have a need to save it to keep it alive for the generations.

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