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Articles by kartikeya

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Recent Developments in International Law

  kartikeya    23 June 2009 at 16:06

The focus of developments in international judicial fora this month relate to State responsibility before the International Court of Justice as well as individual culpability before the International Criminal Court.The focus of developments in inter ..

Posted in Others |   1231 Views

Duties and Liabilities of Officers Of A Company

  kartikeya    23 June 2009 at 16:06

The statutory principles of Corporate Law in India are enshrined primarily in the Companies Act, 1956 ("the Act") and other supplementary and complementary enactments and regulations. The Common Law norms evolved by the Courts in England h ..

Posted in Corporate Law |   1817 Views

UGC in India – User-Generated Copyright?

  kartikeya    23 June 2009 at 16:06

By their very description in the Copyright Act, 1957, cinematograph films are not “original works”, and hence may be categorised as derivative works/adaptations/ user generated content (UGC). The importance of music in films may be gauge ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   2794 Views


  kartikeya    23 June 2009 at 16:06

Under traditional principles of intellectual property protection, copyright law has served as the principal source of legal protection for literary and artistic work, while the patent system and trade secret law have been the primary means for prote ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   4754 Views

Sex change Operation and its legal consequences

  kartikeya    23 June 2009 at 16:06

In India, there are incidences, there seems to be no precedent, which deals with the issue of effect of sex change by a man or woman. However, the issue of sex change came before His Lordship in England and the case is reported in Corbett v. Corbett ..

Posted in Criminal Law |   1566 Views