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Articles by Bala

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  Bala   07 March 2011 at 15:21

Balasubrahmanyam Kamarsu Advocate, Supreme Court of India & National Co-Convener BJP Legal and Legislativ ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   3068 Views

Indo-US Nuclear Treaty - A fraud on the nation

  Bala   10 April 2010 at 23:11

Balasubrahmanyam Kamarsu Advocate, Suprem Court of India ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   3967 Views

Article 21 - A strive towards human well being

  Bala   05 April 2010 at 14:08

Balasubrahmanyam KamarsuAdvocate,Supreme Court of WHETHER it is by the British Magna Carta (year 1215) -- “No free man shall be taken, or imprisoned or deceased or outlawed or banished or any ways destroyed, nor wi ..

Posted in Constitutional Law  1 comments |   4332 Views