INTRODUCTION:- Kelsen is thus interested in developing a theory of law as an "ought," as a "science of mind." But he also wants to free his "science of law" from methodological dependence on ot ..
INTRODUCTION: Ownership is the state or fact of exclusive rights and control over property, which may be an object, land/real estate, or some other kind of property (like government-granted monopolies collectively referred ..
INTRODUCTION:- Coercion is the practice of compelling a person or manipulating them to behave in an involuntary way (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. Coer ..
Indian Contract Act, Lien, Right of Lien, Effects of Lien, Loss of Lien, Rights of Unpaid Seller Against Goods, Banker's Lien, General Lien, Retain Goods and Securities ..