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Disability never shows that this was not a type of ability to do anything or else,but due to mis-understandings since ancient era, we have some hidden back ground for heldup disability community in to main streams of sociability at society. Some one else still a gassip that disability was an non-pleasure from god and god's creation then these type of people should be far from responsibility in any where for honourable scene, was an sad attitude to say regards ancient people and their behaviour towards particular disabled people.

Day after day in educated era people realise that disability is not a hyndrance at all, they can lead a life with able bodied then it needs for equality among others like normal people. In supporting these thoughts they manage that in ancient era one who blind called Drustarastra ruled Kurunadu the whole world then it leads for famous Kurukshetra war. Then several educated and like minded people louded up their voice on disability issue to get them equality, responsibility and working scene for an sociability at whole society. In supporting this some other people writing article in media, holding conferences at public places on awareness about disability and their ability in main streaming them for an sociability attitude.

For this campaign I have written hundreds more article in large and small media since 3 decades and got them published in general awareness, after all large number of demands from different corners like - Individuals, NGOs,abled people, advocates and social minded people from different political parties Government of India passed an act called PERSONS WITH DISABILITY,EQUAL OPPORTUNITY,PROTECTION ACT-1995 in house of Parliament and the act of amendment was in force. There are many types of resolution tools have been amended in this act about to outcome from the discrimination those who faced by uneducated people and their institutions at all.

However it sad to say that after or before this act there is no difference between well being and discriminations among disabled people, as some one still facing critical situation out of their disability. Being an leader of disabled community me received several complaints, feedbacks and suggestions about one who disabled people daring discrimination in different corners like governments services, private sector service and society. Sad to say that still now educated people yet to receive disabled people in their work spot at all for whole hearted scene. As some one have a attitude that government will protect them through well behaved Disability Act and it's amendments then what reason we show them comfortable scene or else?

Attitude among well behaved people about disability issue was in negative ,as from sources there have been lot of pending cases in small to big i.e. up to Supreme Court of India about different type of discrimination that people with disability have been faced, this shows that people never adopted DISABILITY FRIENDLY scene at all. Filing suit to get relaxed from unnecessary burden is like a balloon of water, further it may be expand here that law always not able to yield for an amicable approach and was not an permanent solution at the ability scene. However co-operation and understanding about ability with physically challenged can lead a comfortable life within the experience, but who can lead such amicable scene with regards to get persons with disability for an equality among able bodied is yet to be answered.

It may be aware that people like to get benefit from Disability Act, even a government institution or subsidiaries can question some issue at courts on the plea that disability was not identified for each category of work spot or else, so it leads for legal battle among disabled people therefore it needs for an alternative remedies about how to outcome from such critical situations etc. Basing on my experiments with legal battle to resolve discrimination among disabled people and abled it regret to say that disabled people always facing troubles, hidden attack, loss of dignity in public and finally for leading for suicide scene, what a crurity we face to get sociability !

With in family it too difficult to raise who are loyality with persons with disability as while attaining age most of disabled people separated from family to get them independent life and for image capacity as expressed by some disabled people, also it realise that property divided with other family members does not get equity with disabled people as some one plea that disabled people can not be divided in property partison as they always depends to them and never allow them for a right in properties etc. So that people with disability have no alternative but to face discrimination at whole life in a particular society was an never solved issue even in a courts ! As courts always agree that disability means depend with others hence disabled people should be dependent to family that one who particular lives with.

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