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In the midst of the Inflation, debates and discussion over Commonwealth Games- corruption, the 2G spectrum Scam, the Adarsh Society Scam, Karnataka Land Scam, if we reverse the video-cassette of our lives we will be reminded of the burning Kashmir, a li’l more back- burning Naxal corridor, and li’l more back we will see suddenly Man popping up on the Indian Television, with an aim to re-establish the Lost Vedic Sanskriti (era) by revisiting and teaching Yoga Abhyasa to this lost race of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (The Wise Man) in India and World  at large.

Almost for 3 years I witnessed the growth in the number of Baba’s Bhakts (disciples) doing Pranayam every morning-evening, buying his products, contributing by Tan-Man-Dhan (Labour-heart-Monetarily) to the cause of Baba in establishing Pantanjali Yoga Peeth at Haridwar.

And with his growing fame, every morning he taught the Hundreds of thousands of his disciples the importance of Yoga, the importance of Ayurveda and with it he taught them and educated those mixed masses about the freedom struggle, about Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru. He educated them about the History of Shivaji, Rani Padmini, Maharana Pratap, Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan. And as the time passed he reviewed everything with an intention of getting Vedic Era back in this Modern world and for that he wanted the citizens to be healthy. Millions were benefitted. You personally try to watch him over TV and do Yoga even for a month, we will see how body reacts and rejuvenates. (Provided Yoga is done in the prescribed way). Now the real game started when Baba Ramdevji accused a Uttarakhand Minister of having sought Rs. 2 crores as bribe from him at one of his yoga sessions in Gonda. Then Swami Hat Yogi of the Akhara Parishad accused Swami Ramdev of having given Rs .25 lakhs as bribe to a Minister in the erstwhile Congress Government. And now Baba was full in issue. The Government threatened to prosecute Baba for defamation if he won’t name the Minister. And the whole Blah-Blah-Blah- shit of Indian Politics happened, with every Party trying to serve their political interest. By this article I am not in the remotest sense attempting to justify Baba, but in every sense I am attempting to point out to- the Indian urban-Middle and upper middle class mentality- especially of the youth-educated youth which gets diverted so easily by the Media or the Corporate, that we somewhere deep in our hearts as Indians have forgot that we too can make our own opinions by understanding the situation as it is and not as it is shown. The very inquisitive nature of ours is dying.

Now on 3rd June Baba Ramdev will sit on Hunger strike. A friend of mine on facebook had his status message as “Baba Ramdev will go on hunger strike?? as if anyone cares a damn! Credibility is a pre-condition for leading any protest.”

The question here was directly of Baba Ramdev’s credibility, our further discussion on the topic enlightened me that the reasons, my friend was of that opinion were as follows :

- Baba was alleged of Saffron Terrorism

- There are better people in the civil society to secure the fate of our nation.

- Baba is just fame- hungry. Media-mongul who wants to feel important.

Hence the anti-corruption crusade coming from him was a joke.

This is the big Problem with Indian Democracy. On one side we say that we want our black money back from the Swiss and other banks. So that India can prosper, and when a Sanyaasi is leaving everything aside to take up the cause and go on hunger strike to give India her rightful wealth back, we as a youth instead of supporting him we mock him in public. The best we can do is, if not support him-lets not oppose him. Stay neutral. But unfortunate are we and unfortunate is the fate of this land.

In democracy everybody has the right to do what they want. Hence that Sanyasi has the right to protest. One might choose to disagree with him, there may be many who will oppose him for whatever reasons. But that man has got support too. People have accused him of saffron terror. The question remains- is it proved? And who made the allegations? Are they true? And even assuming that he is a terrorist, he still has got a constitutional right to protest against any wrong which he considers it to be wrong.

We are a country where we talk about human rights, legal and Constitutional rights of Kasab, Pakistani terrorist, a Mujahideen, jihadi on the name of Islam. We have people who advocate what all rights-whether right to appeal, file revision, etc. should be given to Kasab. I as a person from the Law background in no way can oppose Kasab’s possession of those rights, understanding our Legal system and the principles to which we owe our adherence to.

 I guess this Sanyasi’s case is far better than Kasab's. We at-least as Lawyers should not conclude only on the basis of allegations. Nonetheless we cannot undermine his contribution in Health Sector, Hindus Muslims everybody follow him. It cannot be ignored. If there are more credible people than him, then they should come forward and do something for the nation. Indeed we should do something. Sanyaasi is doing something good let him do. Why oppose him. My point is there is no point in jumping to the conclusions without any base only because media or some of our kiths and kin says so. We need to be trend setters. We have to use our talent constructively, in achieving the end of Welfare State.

There are people who will say that he is good Yogi, so he should stay ‘ONLY’ as a Yogi. Unfortunately the notion of young urban college going India about Yogi- is a person who has renounced his family life- a hermit. No, fortunately our concepts of Law and religion are not restricted to these small things. From the time immemorial Yogis and Rishis have advised  the Kings and the Warlords for the establishment of Ram Rajya- a true secular state-where the State is Corruption free- Equality-liberty and fraternity are the cherished virtues-objectives and where every man is free to follow his own religion and allied rights, which to us as a Modern Indian society it is always taught that these values are western and is a British Gift to us, the brown race of Aryans, when they were (fulfilling their Holy responsibility of) shouldering the ‘White-Man’s Burden.’

Hajime Nakamura (1912 - 1999), a Japanese scholar, His field of research was exceedingly broad, encompassing Indian philosophy, Buddhist studies, historical studies, Japanese thought, comparative thought,  author of ‘The History of Early VedÄnta Philosophy’ an epoch-making study in four volumes. 

“Indians conducted far more elaborate speculations than the Westerners of antiquity and the Middle Ages with respect to the theory of numbers, the analysis of psychological phenomena, and the study of linguistic structures. The Indians are highly rationalistic, insofar as their ideal is to recognize eternal laws concerning past, present, and future. The thought represented by Tertullian’s aphorism, “credo quia absurdum,” or “I believe because it is absurd,” had no receptivity in India. 

The Indians are, at the same time, logical since they generally have a tendency to sublimate their thinking to the universal; they are at once logical and rationalistic. On the contrary, many religions of the West are irrational and illogical, and this is acknowledged by the Westerners themselves. For example, Albert Schweitzer, a pious and most devoted Christian, says, “Compared to the logical religions of Asia, the gospel of Jesus is illogical.” (Note: I apologise if a Christian sentiment is hurt, as my own sentiments, by this statement of Albert, are hurt) 

It is often contended that in contrast to Western thought the spirit of tolerance and mutual concession is a salient feature of Eastern thought. The religion of the West at times is harsh and even emphasizes struggle for the sake of keeping the faith and condemning unbelievers:  

“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke, 14.26).

Such aggressive thoughts as expressed here did not appear at all in the religions of East Asia. Throughout the religious world of India a more tranquil and peaceful atmosphere has prevailed from time immemorial. Gotama and Mahavira ended their lives in peace.

"The idea of tolerance and concession is based on admitting the compatibility of many different philosophical views of the world. The Indians are prone to tolerate the co-existence of philosophical thoughts of various types from the metaphysical viewpoint. Interference with religions on the part of the state was not found in India, but in China it occurred to a considerable degree.” Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India-China-Tibet-Japan- By Hajime Nakamura  p. 16 – 19). 

How unfortunate it is that they till date our society has failed to understand what we really are. How unfortunate it is that our own people bring disgrace on Yoga, Ayurveda and traditions only because it is Indian and not British. British not only plundered our country and drained our wealth to their nation, but also they enslaved our minds. Hence today we fail to appreciate the role of Yogis in our society. (True Yogis- not the ones who mock them for personal gains).

Baba is being accused of – that a female died because of consuming of a Lauki Juice prepared by Patanjali Yoga Peeth. The Government declared that they will take action against Baba for the same.

Few examples I have to give :

Brufen, Paracetamol- not allowed in US for their toxic effects. Allowed in India, half off India is dying slowly because of it. Amisulpride-200, used for schizophrenic disorders not allowed in US, but Indian Government happily allows their trade here. Why don’t we Indians oppose them. Proposition is not to justify, if at all anything goes wrong with Baba’s products, but is it expose our mentality and unfortunate prejudice towards ourselves. Is it because we are used to lick their asses, as Lord Macaulay by his visionary ideas has enslaved the minds of Indians for all the generations to come where we are born with a understanding that whatever is Indian is inferior to whatever is British or Western. And we are born with a bona fide duty to not anybody revive our culture and establish our identity, and proudly take up the identity given to us by the West i.e. brown in colour but British in taste and style.

Why can’t we understand that a huge loss is being caused to the Pharma-Co.s because, almost Tens of Millions turned to Ayurveda and Yoga and were cured of most of their physiological disorders, free of cost.

Why do we totally undermine the possibility of an existence of a conspiracy or connivance on the part of the Corporate world against Baba.

I have a vision, to see India prosper as Indians, brown in colour, Indian in taste, and mind you Indian taste is much better than the British. (Please research on, how British Society and Scientists are accepting Indian social, ethical values, religious and spiritual values).

Not to mention why our Media does not come to crossroads against the Government when it comes to Bhopal Gas tragedy. But Media never leaves a single chance to defame the oppressed Naxals and tribals. The question is why the Urban India so indifferent towards the Traditional and rural India. We need to think. We need to find answer for this. Else soon we will see an explosion. Explosion of the long suppressed feelings! Nonetheless its fatality is unquestionable.

There are accusations that Baba Ramdev is an agent of Sangh Parivaar, why because he opposes only congress. Baba Ramdev justified his opposition to Congress by taking a stand that out of 60yrs for almost 50 yrs there was Congress Government in India, hence it is to be blamed first and then he will jump against BJP and other parties of the Sangh Parivaar.

Assuming that he is a strong person who can mould Public Opinion to a large extent, hence acknowledging the usage of his power, BJP is using Baba as an agent- lets understand what system we follow- We follow a Westminster form of Democratic Government.

1960s- Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru said to Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee- “You have immense potential in yourself. One day you will become the Prime Minister of India and I will be happy that day. You need to keep a check on me. For the success of the democracy we need a strong opposition. It is only in the presence of the Strong Opposition that  India can succeed as a democracy else it will lead to democratic tyranny” (The words are not the same but it means something like this)

Yes, even if he is an agent of BJP, what the harm he is causing to the Democracy, indeed he is attempting to pressurise the Government to get our Money back.

When we as a youth almost every day get a text regarding what all things can we get if get out black money back, then why aren’t we ready to support this Baba- why do we have to oppose him? Why do we have to question his credibility when he has done so much in the health sector?

When will we respect our land and values over others? When will we truly behave as a democracy, with empathy for all. When will we bridge the gap between the urban and rural India, between Modern and traditional India? When will we be able to invent Hindustaan, invent Bharat, our real identity, in this apparent veil put on our faces by West. When will we be able to look at our own men with a sense of bonding and love?

Or should we wait for the explosion of the feelings?

Bottom of Form

In the midst of the Inflation, debates and discussion over Commonwealth Games- corruption, the 2G spectrum Scam, the Adarsh Society Scam, Karnataka Land Scam, if we reverse the video-cassette of our lives we will be reminded of the burning Kashmir, a li’l more back- burning Naxal corridor, and li’l more back we will see suddenly Man popping up on the Indian Television, with an aim to re-establish the Lost Vedic Sanskriti (era) by revisiting and teaching Yoga Abhyasa to this lost race of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (The Wise Man) in India and World  at large.

Almost for 3 years I witnessed the growth in the number of Baba’s Bhakts (disciples) doing Pranayam every morning-evening, buying his products, contributing by Tan-Man-Dhan (Labour-heart-Monetarily) to the cause of Baba in establishing Pantanjali Yoga Peeth at Haridwar.

And with his growing fame, every morning he taught the Hundreds of thousands of his disciples the importance of Yoga, the importance of Ayurveda and with it he taught them and educated those mixed masses about the freedom struggle, about Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru. He educated them about the History of Shivaji, Rani Padmini, Maharana Pratap, Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan. And as the time passed he reviewed everything with an intention of getting Vedic Era back in this Modern world and for that he wanted the citizens to be healthy. Millions were benefitted. You personally try to watch him over TV and do Yoga even for a month, we will see how body reacts and rejuvenates. (Provided Yoga is done in the prescribed way). Now the real game started when Baba Ramdevji accused a Uttarakhand Minister of having sought Rs. 2 crores as bribe from him at one of his yoga sessions in Gonda. Then Swami Hat Yogi of the Akhara Parishad accused Swami Ramdev of having given Rs .25 lakhs as bribe to a Minister in the erstwhile Congress Government. And now Baba was full in issue. The Government threatened to prosecute Baba for defamation if he won’t name the Minister. And the whole Blah-Blah-Blah- shit of Indian Politics happened, with every Party trying to serve their political interest. By this article I am not in the remotest sense attempting to justify Baba, but in every sense I am attempting to point out to- the Indian urban-Middle and upper middle class mentality- especially of the youth-educated youth which gets diverted so easily by the Media or the Corporate, that we somewhere deep in our hearts as Indians have forgot that we too can make our own opinions by understanding the situation as it is and not as it is shown. The very inquisitive nature of ours is dying.

Now on 3rd June Baba Ramdev will sit on Hunger strike. A friend of mine on facebook had his status message as “Baba Ramdev will go on hunger strike?? as if anyone cares a damn! Credibility is a pre-condition for leading any protest.”

The question here was directly of Baba Ramdev’s credibility, our further discussion on the topic enlightened me that the reasons, my friend was of that opinion were as follows :

- Baba was alleged of Saffron Terrorism

- There are better people in the civil society to secure the fate of our nation.

- Baba is just fame- hungry. Media-mongul who wants to feel important.

Hence the anti-corruption crusade coming from him was a joke.

This is the big Problem with Indian Democracy. On one side we say that we want our black money back from the Swiss and other banks. So that India can prosper, and when a Sanyaasi is leaving everything aside to take up the cause and go on hunger strike to give India her rightful wealth back, we as a youth instead of supporting him we mock him in public. The best we can do is, if not support him-lets not oppose him. Stay neutral. But unfortunate are we and unfortunate is the fate of this land.

In democracy everybody has the right to do what they want. Hence that Sanyasi has the right to protest. One might choose to disagree with him, there may be many who will oppose him for whatever reasons. But that man has got support too. People have accused him of saffron terror. The question remains- is it proved? And who made the allegations? Are they true? And even assuming that he is a terrorist, he still has got a constitutional right to protest against any wrong which he considers it to be wrong.

We are a country where we talk about human rights, legal and Constitutional rights of Kasab, Pakistani terrorist, a Mujahideen, jihadi on the name of Islam. We have people who advocate what all rights-whether right to appeal, file revision, etc. should be given to Kasab. I as a person from the Law background in no way can oppose Kasab’s possession of those rights, understanding our Legal system and the principles to which we owe our adherence to.

I guess this Sanyasi’s case is far better than Kasab's. We at-least as Lawyers should not conclude only on the basis of allegations. Nonetheless we cannot undermine his contribution in Health Sector, Hindus Muslims everybody follow him. It cannot be ignored. If there are more credible people than him, then they should come forward and do something for the nation. Indeed we should do something. Sanyaasi is doing something good let him do. Why oppose him. My point is there is no point in jumping to the conclusions without any base only because media or some of our kiths and kin says so. We need to be trend setters. We have to use our talent constructively, in achieving the end of Welfare State.

There are people who will say that he is good Yogi, so he should stay ‘ONLY’ as a Yogi. Unfortunately the notion of young urban college going India about Yogi- is a person who has renounced his family life- a hermit. No, fortunately our concepts of Law and religion are not restricted to these small things. From the time immemorial Yogis and Rishis have advised  the Kings and the Warlords for the establishment of Ram Rajya- a true secular state-where the State is Corruption free- Equality-liberty and fraternity are the cherished virtues-objectives and where every man is free to follow his own religion and allied rights, which to us as a Modern Indian society it is always taught that these values are western and is a British Gift to us, the brown race of Aryans, when they were (fulfilling their Holy responsibility of) shouldering the ‘White-Man’s Burden.’

Hajime Nakamura (1912 - 1999), a Japanese scholar, His field of research was exceedingly broad, encompassing Indian philosophy, Buddhist studies, historical studies, Japanese thought, comparative thought,  author of ‘The History of Early VedÄnta Philosophy’ an epoch-making study in four volumes. 

“Indians conducted far more elaborate speculations than the Westerners of antiquity and the Middle Ages with respect to the theory of numbers, the analysis of psychological phenomena, and the study of linguistic structures. The Indians are highly rationalistic, insofar as their ideal is to recognize eternal laws concerning past, present, and future. The thought represented by Tertullian’s aphorism, “credo quia absurdum,” or “I believe because it is absurd,” had no receptivity in India. 

  The Indians are, at the same time, logical since they generally have a tendency to sublimate their thinking to the universal; they are at once logical and rationalistic. On the contrary, many religions of the West are irrational and illogical, and this is acknowledged by the Westerners themselves. For example, Albert Schweitzer, a pious and most devoted Christian, says, “Compared to the logical religions of Asia, the gospel of Jesus is illogical.” (Note: I apologise if a Christian sentiment is hurt, as my own sentiments, by this statement of Albert, are hurt) 

It is often contended that in contrast to Western thought the spirit of tolerance and mutual concession is a salient feature of Eastern thought. The religion of the West at times is harsh and even emphasizes struggle for the sake of keeping the faith and condemning unbelievers:  

“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke, 14.26).

Such aggressive thoughts as expressed here did not appear at all in the religions of East Asia. Throughout the religious world of India a more tranquil and peaceful atmosphere has prevailed from time immemorial. Gotama and Mahavira ended their lives in peace.

"The idea of tolerance and concession is based on admitting the compatibility of many different philosophical views of the world. The Indians are prone to tolerate the co-existence of philosophical thoughts of various types from the metaphysical viewpoint. Interference with religions on the part of the state was not found in India, but in China it occurred to a considerable degree.” Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India-China-Tibet-Japan- By Hajime Nakamura  p. 16 – 19). 

How unfortunate it is that they till date our society has failed to understand what we really are. How unfortunate it is that our own people bring disgrace on Yoga, Ayurveda and traditions only because it is Indian and not British. British not only plundered our country and drained our wealth to their nation, but also they enslaved our minds. Hence today we fail to appreciate the role of Yogis in our society. (True Yogis- not the ones who mock them for personal gains).

Baba is being accused of – that a female died because of consuming of a Lauki Juice prepared by Patanjali Yoga Peeth. The Government declared that they will take action against Baba for the same.

Few examples I have to give :

Brufen, Paracetamol- not allowed in US for their toxic effects. Allowed in India, half off India is dying slowly because of it. Amisulpride-200, used for schizophrenic disorders not allowed in US, but Indian Government happily allows their trade here. Why don’t we Indians oppose them. Proposition is not to justify, if at all anything goes wrong with Baba’s products, but is it expose our mentality and unfortunate prejudice towards ourselves. Is it because we are used to lick their asses, as Lord Macaulay by his visionary ideas has enslaved the minds of Indians for all the generations to come where we are born with a understanding that whatever is Indian is inferior to whatever is British or Western. And we are born with a bona fide duty to not anybody revive our culture and establish our identity, and proudly take up the identity given to us by the West i.e. brown in colour but British in taste and style.

Why can’t we understand that a huge loss is being caused to the Pharma-Co.s because, almost Tens of Millions turned to Ayurveda and Yoga and were cured of most of their physiological disorders, free of cost.

Why do we totally undermine the possibility of an existence of a conspiracy or connivance on the part of the Corporate world against Baba.

I have a vision, to see India prosper as Indians, brown in colour, Indian in taste, and mind you Indian taste is much better than the British. (Please research on, how British Society and Scientists are accepting Indian social, ethical values, religious and spiritual values).

Not to mention why our Media does not come to crossroads against the Government when it comes to Bhopal Gas tragedy. But Media never leaves a single chance to defame the oppressed Naxals and tribals. The question is why the Urban India so indifferent towards the Traditional and rural India. We need to think. We need to find answer for this. Else soon we will see an explosion. Explosion of the long suppressed feelings! Nonetheless its fatality is unquestionable.

There are accusations that Baba Ramdev is an agent of Sangh Parivaar, why because he opposes only congress. Baba Ramdev justified his opposition to Congress by taking a stand that out of 60yrs for almost 50 yrs there was Congress Government in India, hence it is to be blamed first and then he will jump against BJP and other parties of the Sangh Parivaar.

Assuming that he is a strong person who can mould Public Opinion to a large extent, hence acknowledging the usage of his power, BJP is using Baba as an agent- lets understand what system we

follow- We follow a Westminster form of Democratic Government.

1960s- Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru said to Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee- “You have immense potential in yourself. One day you will become the Prime Minister of India and I will be happy that day. You need to keep a check on me. For the success of the democracy we need a strong opposition. It is only in the presence of the Strong Opposition that  India can succeed as a democracy else it will lead to democratic tyranny” (The words are not the same but it means something like this)

Yes, even if he is an agent of BJP, what the harm he is causing to the Democracy, indeed he is attempting to pressurise the Government to get our Money back.

When we as a youth almost every day get a text regarding what all things can we get if get out black money back, then why aren’t we ready to support this Baba- why do we have to oppose him? Why do we have to question his credibility when he has done so much in the health sector?

When will we respect our land and values over others? When will we truly behave as a democracy, with empathy for all. When will we bridge the gap between the urban and rural India, between Modern and traditional India? When will we be able to invent Hindustaan, invent Bharat, our real identity, in this apparent veil put on our faces by West. When will we be able to look at our own men

 with a sense of bonding and love?

Or should we wait for the explosion of the feelings?

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