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Live and Let Live

V.S.Babu Gireesan
Last updated: 10 September 2008
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Mullaperiyar is natural. Dam is cultural .The innovative combination made the dry land in the plateauic region both arable and habitative.


The present day dispute of the two adjoining states related with the fear of human life in the vicinity of the Dam and the thirst of water on the other side.


The treaties took place by the master mindedness for the distribution of natural resource to the areas in needs to reduce the regional imbalance was the aim and is acknowledged by our constitution makers also.


 The State Re-organisation Act never aimed to have a discriminative feelings in each state towards the other state to the life of the people and what possibilism would be good to keep in tune with the determination of the land.


Homosapian  Man the wise. Quoting from Hamlet.


What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In term, in moving,how express  and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of the animal.


Homostaltus,man the fool-is anti to the notions and the vision to the reality.


The imminent threat of the condition of the Dam and the resultant havoc to the inhabitants in the vicinity of the Dam, the helpless mourning and the perennial suffocation of the choice less danger to the survival on the one side and the shortage of water on the other side.


The ensuing is the dying over the dead by flood followed by drought and the apprehended collapse if not remedied will be the pain for the humanity occasioning by failure of all constitutional machineries of the land.


Disaster management needs its preventive thinking to have a positive ness of facilitation to human life.




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