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The Lokpal bill brought before the Parliament by the Congress led government was not passed. Who is responsible for this fiasco? The Congress party is blaming the Opposition parties, especially the BJP for it and the BJP plus other political parties are blaming the Congress led UPA government for the murder of democracy. Of course, it is a well known practice that the responsibility for bringing a bill and getting it passed by the parliament is the responsibility of the govt. That is the parliamentary practice all over the world.

The Lokpal bill, as passed by the Lok Sabha, was being debated by members of the Rajya Sabha when a member belonging to the RJD got up as per plan that was known to all concerned, including the TV channels who had been telecasting this sinister plan orchestrated by the UPA and allies. He advanced menacingly towards treasury benches and snatched the bill under debate from the minister concerned, tore it and threw it on the floor. Naturally there was a ruckus in the House and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha adjourned the Rajya Sabha without putting the said bill for voting by the House.

Who shied away from the voting in the House? Obviously the Congress led UPA government because they did not have the majority and were sure to lose. The Opposition parties would have demanded the resignation of the Manmohan govt. So the govt ran away from the battle and hid its face behind the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha who, being a nominee of the Congress party, repaid the debt by adjourning the House and thus saved the fall of the government.

The protectors of propriety are flouting the laid down rues. Those who had taken oath to preserve, protect and defend the Rule of Law were in the forefront violating the Constitution of India. Thus the Manmohan Singh government has lost the moral right to govern the country as it sneaked out of voting on its bill by manipulating pliable presiding officer of the House. The ruckus created by a RJD member was in fact a show choreographed by the Manmohan government to save the skin of the Sonia Gandhi led Congress party’s poor floor management. The UPA govt was standing all by itself and was sure to lose if the voting had taken place. The Congress-led UPA govt turned tail and disengaged on the battlefield. What a shameful act it was. Sonia Gandhi and the rest of the camp followers have not covered themselves with glory.

As of now, there is no requirement to go into the merits or demerits of the Lokpal bill brought before the House because the main issue here is the cowardice of the Congress led UPA govt in not putting up a fight till the end and face the Vote of the House. Apparently the govt chickened and just ran away. What a shame!

The entire show was choreographed by the UPA government and the Media knew it. No wonder they had been telecasting the shameful show- to-be right from the afternoon and predicting the sequence of events naming the party, RJD, that would cause the ruckus before midnight leading to adjournment without a vote on the Lokpal bill. It happened as was choreographed. The so-called honest men colluded with the dishonest men andwomen. In the words of Mark Antony of Shakespearian fame, “They are all Honorable men”.

Let us leave it at that. The less said the better it would be. There is no point in rubbing salt on the wound of the Congress led UPA government and hasten its demise.

By Chitranjan Sawant


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Category Constitutional Law, Other Articles by - Chitranjan Sawant 

