Can any granddaughter who is married claim on her Grand Mother's(Nani) property and demand claim from her maternal uncles?
In this case,
1. Property(land) is with female name say Mrs S who is deceased in 2011. Her husband Mr G is also expired in year year 2009.
2. Mrs S had 5 son and 2 daughters. Both daughters are expired.
3. The claim and legal notice is sent by younger daughter( who is deceased) daughter who is married woman?
4. One daughter family ( her husband and 4 kids) are not claiming anything.
5. Only one daughter who expired and have 2 son and 1 daughter,aomng these 1 daughter is asking claim citing mother's rights who were expired before year 2005.
(a)If Mrs S daughter is expired before 2005 when Hindu Succession act amended, can her daughter claim to maternal uncle?
(b) If that person is married also, can she still claim on her Mama's property share?
(c) On the other angle, If this is case, then indirectly she is entitled for 3 property rights:- Her Garnd father/mother property, Her own father property and her husband property? Does not it sound major beneficiary ?