The purpose of noting Lien by banks on Deposits is that the procedure for claims is simplified. Banks get discharged of their liability if they settle the claim on deposits to the Lien Holder noted therein. However, the Lien Holder receives the sums of such Deposits/Contents of Lockers etc. as a Trustee only. It is the responsibility of the Lien Holder to settle the amounts among the Legal Heirs equitably.
If the Banks have not so far settled the claim even as per Lien also, if any of the claimants other than the Lien Holder approach the bank in writing preferably as a Lawyer's notice stating their claim, Banks do not settled the claim and advise the claimants to settle the matter and approach the bank with a Court order.In which case it takes much time to get such order.
Therefore, it is advisable for you to discuss with the Lien Holders and lodge your claim for your share with them in writing and take their acknlwedgement and get your share amicably with mutual discussion.