Dear All,
My father had purchased a land in late 70s. The original document is still under his posession. In the year 2006 he applied for patta. The patta in his name was obtained. On physical verification we found that the land is still vacant. Now when we checked EC till the current period, we found that my father together with a power agent(A) had sold the land to 2 persons (B&C) on the same date by subdividing the land into two halfs. Then later after one year both (B & C) together sold the land to a single person (D). The power as claimed is nver given to any body and all the original documents and patta is availabel in our posession. Please advice me on the next move? what is the quick way to resolve the forged documents? will the forgery come under civil or criminal case? on what head should we fiel teh FIR so as to get earcly action?Please help me out