Dear Sir/Madam,
We have a combined family disput of property.1 ) A dawami patta with rental conditions (Hamesha-Hamesha) was executed in 1936 with kabuliyatnama by landowner to father of grand father.after death of father of grand father ,the grand father was purchased same property through bainama (sale deed) with same landowner but between this duration some strct is constructed by other cousines in self occupied portion.after the death of grand father he want to dividation and ownership of that house which is occupied by them.they all have agreed that land is your but house is mine as per dawami patta with query is that dawami patta was the agreement between two parties only and not mentioned any other to use so dawami patta is continued after death of that party on his sons or it wll be declined after death of of that party.
After sale deed of same property how we find whole property with ready built strct?
any legal process or any rules or conditions of rejection of dawami patta?