company name -cliq ue
owner resides in dubai,one directery stays in pune
I want to send legal notice to recovery of salary ,I know cost varies from advocate to adovcate ,but can somebody tell mewhats generally cost and process?
thedon (owner) 10 May 2017
company name -cliq ue
owner resides in dubai,one directery stays in pune
I want to send legal notice to recovery of salary ,I know cost varies from advocate to adovcate ,but can somebody tell mewhats generally cost and process?
Kumar Doab (FIN) 10 May 2017
The legal notice should be preferably issued by a a very able counsel/law firm speicializing in Labor/service matters of unshakable repute, and integrity, after examining all records that you have, for a considered opinion and to issue legal notice.
The fee can be quoted by concerned counsel only.