The work hours are 8/day & 48/week.
There is also capping on OT hours.
You can read it in Shops & Estbs Act.
If yes you can lay a claim to OT @ double wages.
Your establishment works for 6days/week or less than 6days/week?
OT should be paid alongwith monthly wages.
Do you have any evidence (audio/visual/written/witnessed/minuted) that you were asked to work for > 8hrs/day & 48hrs/week?
The employer has to submit OT clocked in prescribed registers ( Hard copy/soft copy) as prescribed in Shops & Estbs Rules. If OT is not being paid then probably employer is not leaving traces for demand of OT and is not submitting actual clocked hours.
You may have to download evidence and prove.
Since you have signed so called Bond; probably you shall be subdued from taking such action.
The so called Bond is created in lieu of what extra ordinary favor by company?
Did company ask you in writing to sign it?
Did it demand to deposit monies in writing?
Did it issue any acknowledgment for monies so collected? If yes what is the reason mentioned in it?
If you want to liberate yourself then you need to build irrefutable evidence and record with patience that can render employer as violator and unworthy.
There are many IT/ITeS employee's unions and affilliations with trade unions and verdicts from court accepting software engineers as 'Wortkman' and against Bond.
Retain access to seasoned counsels and avoid proceeding on your own.
Engage an able counsel specializing in labor-service matters.
Avoid succumbing to unfair demands in future.
Better add education,qualification,skills and be with some employer with good HR practices.