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narinder_6in   21 June 2011

Ancestral property

My grandfather and my father jointly purchased a property in 1957 by investing equal sums of money.  The registered documents are in the joint names of my grandfather and my father, the first name being that of my grandfather.  My grandfather had expired in 1985.

My grandfather has three sons and two daughters (one of the daughter expired last year)

The eldest son (my father) has three children (me, my brother and my sister)

The second son has 6 children (5 sons and  daughter)

The third son has 3 children (2 sons and 1 daughter)

I believe the daughters of my grandfather does not make a difference as to the number of children they have.


1.  What will be share of my father in the whole property

2. What will be the share of the 4 other children of my grandfather in the whole property (2 sons and 2 daughters - one daughter expired last year)

2.  What will be my share in the whole property

3.  Does it make any difference if the youngest son of my grandfather has got a will executed in his favour by my grandfather

4.  Can any relative of the deceased daughter of my grandfather claim any share of her property, if she had any.


Please advise


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