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Contents of rcr

Hi all,

What should be content in RCR. Do i have to narrate every detail that has happened with me in my in laws house and naming all my in laws. Its becoming soo big..that the judge will fall asleep reading that big petition. Whateber i wrote my lawyer is incorporating all that i legal terms. If i miss some incident here in RCR...then i wont be able to mention the same while filing my OP in divorce case is it ? If my husband files for divorce then i should be using the same content as used in RCR ???


Seniors please advice on this. I dont want my RCR to be soo lengthy. Becoz my husband is egoistic and he will dance on my head if i narrate all the incidents.Can i make it concise and to the point.


Thank you


 24 Replies


Write about all his ill treatments in detail, what happnd, when happnd, how bad you felt, one by one point by point.

But there should be a catch.  You cannot tell your husband, you are a villain in the RCR, but you can tell it in a different way.

How to tell?

After listing all your stories one below the other in chronological order, in the end mention that inspite of above all shortcomings and attrocities that you have done to me, I still love you and want you to take me back into your life, let us lead a peaceful hereafter.

Mango (Consultant)     18 March 2013

My estranged wife did the same thing to me, she filed a 10 pages case to me and in reply I had given him 202 pages court case along with 100 pages of proof.... I burst out all the possible resources at maximum extent… Gave all the social, official, personal, literal, verbal, emotional and propagated future evidences in the court… Don’t feel bad, If my wife had written 10 pages of document first then as a husband, it becomes my duty to give her enough love back!!!!


Before you file any case, just make sure that your husband will definitely backfire you on this.... Incase your husband is like me, he won't dance this time... He will make sure that he does Tandav this time….!!!!


Don't spoil your marriage... You can't go with this... If you were my wife and would have even thought of a police complaint, rcr, pcr words like that I would have presented you a divorce case without any hesitation...


Just FYI – It’s not EGO… It’s so called a give-and-take relationship… You can’t throw dirt on someone else’s face and think that he would clean it up and shake hands later….





actually the thing is even my lawyer feels that my husband is not that bad. But his mother and sister's are very cunning and most of the incidents have happened with them. TO be very frank they demanded a in asked in to give 15 kgs of dry fruits towards festival you know, apart from fruits and sweets. Always my MIL will ask me to get sweets in KGS. I feel soo damm cheap to list out her requirements in front of my parents. We are also decent people my mom use to 1 kg sweet and 1 kg mixture everytime. But she use to say bring shreekhand and laddu and kaju katli or gajar ka halwa half kgs each that looks good.  They asked us to give one elctronic item as in AC, food processor and gyming walker. For big festivals after marriage till one year. And also demanded things like hell.....sarees, cash envelops and blah blah.

We deceided to stop the wedding also..but then they became sadhu types and did lot of drama and got married. Even after marriage these demands were sky rocketing. My council says we will narrate these things as its better that everything is in the knowledge of the judge. We share gifts to everyone in his family ( all gold items rings, ear rings and chain and locket in wedding)

FYI : my marriage costed my parents 30 lakhs in total.

If i write all this things in RCR husband will jump like anything becoz he cant see his family being exposed. I have video recording and snaps of all this items and also his own relatives are the witness for the  same.

I am scared the judge may ask me ...why i not filed DVC.

@ Mango. how may pages in that 202 are contributed by your lawyer. One of my friends husband went to the extent of writting that she is a drug addict and this thing has back fired him and his cross examination is stretched over 4 hearing and its been almost 6 months that his cross examination is going on.And his is having a great time with his allegations:). So i have kept only those things for which i have evidences and witnesses.

Originally posted by : charu latha


actually the thing is even my lawyer feels that my husband is not that bad. But his mother and sister's are very cunning and most of the incidents have happened with them. TO be very frank they demanded a in asked in to give 15 kgs of dry fruits towards festival you know, apart from fruits and sweets. Always my MIL will ask me to get sweets in KGS. I feel soo damm cheap to list out her requirements in front of my parents. We are also decent people my mom use to 1 kg sweet and 1 kg mixture everytime. But she use to say bring shreekhand and laddu and kaju katli or gajar ka halwa half kgs each that looks good.  They asked us to give one elctronic item as in AC, food processor and gyming walker. For big festivals after marriage till one year. And also demanded things like hell.....sarees, cash envelops and blah blah.

We deceided to stop the wedding also..but then they became sadhu types and did lot of drama and got married. Even after marriage these demands were sky rocketing. My council says we will narrate these things as its better that everything is in the knowledge of the judge. We share gifts to everyone in his family ( all gold items rings, ear rings and chain and locket in wedding)

FYI : my marriage costed my parents 30 lakhs in total.

If i write all this things in RCR husband will jump like anything becoz he cant see his family being exposed. I have video recording and snaps of all this items and also his own relatives are the witness for the  same.

I am scared the judge may ask me ...why i not filed DVC.

Nothing wrong in telling truth, if you are telling lies, then ppl will  jump and become furious, but here, you want husband back, that's all, emotions matter most.

When you speak and plead before the judge it will have an positive effect.

Mango (Consultant)     18 March 2013

It's a duty of husband to save his wife from troubles/problem but at the sametime it's a duty of a son to save his family at any cost.... Don't put your husband in a quest where he has to choose between you and his family. He is going to sacrifice you in nutshell.  


If you are really not happy and have waited long enough then file for the divorce... If he loves his family more than you then you've to accept that only possible situation where you can live with him is to make adjustment with MIL/SIL.... Facts you’ve provided here does not seems logical to me.... If you've already spent 30 Lacs on marriage and court case would cost you somewhere around 5-7 lacks (without costing your time) then how much costly this 15KG sweet box is? It would be somewhere around 4500-5000 rupees?  I am not saying boost their demand but if you can't bring this 15KG sweet box then don't bring it but don't put your husband into a situation where he has to choose.


My wife took 17 lacks from me (including education loan of 6.8 lacks) before/after marriage and filed DV case after 16 months of our marriage.... I would have forgiven her for what she did to me but she had put my parents name in  the DV case which made me mad.... Any boy who has respected his parents from the bottom of his heart would not let his parents step into any kind of trouble. My wife said in the CAW cell that I am nice guy and she want to stay with me but since my parents name was in list so, I clearly said "NO WAY".... And now, I am not ready to give any single "penny" even it cost my job and my life because she named my parents in the DV case...


I will do what I have to do in order to get my parents out of this case.... Even if I have to ask God to punish me severely for any bad deeds made in this case.... Husband love should not be taken for the granted.... Love is true when it fulfils all the responsibility as well...


Even CAW cell ACP said to her that "Not just court but even God can't ask him to stay with you, if he does not want to stay..."


My word of wisdom for you is NOT to file any case... It would lead you in a great trouble... You can't force a relationship.... You can wait patiently for the right time.... Don't challenge your husband if he is an innocent guy.... You don't know what innocent people do when they have to cross their limits.... Don't let him bring out his cruelest face when he doesn’t want to do this... It's always better to have a relationship over in polite way than cruel termination....



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Mango (Consultant)     18 March 2013

To answer your next question - Nothing was contributed by my lawyer... I did not count for any professional support... I can better handle any lady or guy when it comes to my parents... I don't need any backup when it comes to my parents... Till death, I can fight for my parents with any terrorist, any evil, any villain and even a nation... If


I can't bring them down through viable discussion, I am mature enough to bring them down through forces... I simply don't hesitate at all...!!!!


As far as question on cross examination refers, I have been daunted and painted by CAW Cell Lady Constables, CAW Cell Local Inspector, CAW Cell ACP, and Lower Court Judges multiple times…. Don’t worry; it’s just a small list… I am ready to burn the whole world for this case!!!!


Third question….. 202 pages look less to me…. My lawyer literally pleased me to stop writing on this case at the time of initial filling…. She told me that it would take at least 20 years to get this case sorted out on these grounds... I made sure that if I can't put her behind the bar then I should keep her behind the court for forever!!!!!


I want to teach a lesson that what an innocent husband could do when it comes to his family... Don't take me wrong here... Things are better when it keep in certain limit beyond that it's just a war…. Everything is in fair in war!!!!



fighting back (exec)     18 March 2013

@helping hand....with reference to your reply to charu, just wanted to ask you, that in your past post you had mentioned that the allegations will backfire on the wife inspite of saying, what you mentioned above that..

After listing all your stories one below the other in chronological order, in the end mention that inspite of above all shortcomings and attrocities that you have done to me, I still love you and want you to take me back into your life, let us lead a peaceful hereafter.


how can a wife possibly want to stay with such a person who has tortured her to an extreme extent, and how can possibly love generate in her heart for her so called ' torturous husband and parents', how can she contradict her own scentences, doesnt this just go to show that she is lying,  

this will just show she is having that 'extra' sprinking of ' heavenly love' that only god gave to her, and she is a good angel...

after all these allegations mentioned in the RCR, how will the case proceed? just like a RCR case, or will it take a turn and focus more on the allgations to prove if they are wrong or right?

pls elaborate




fighting back (exec)     18 March 2013

also want to know, why is it generally expected the woman who files RCR, that the husband is expected to wipe the muck thrown at him by his wife, and kiss his wife??

it is rightly elaborated by mango.....request helping hand to shed light on this too...thanks

abdul (MD)     18 March 2013

Dear Charulatha,


one thing i have noticed in most of your posts is that you keep mentioning is " one of my friend" and you have mentioned the same more than once, can you please tell me how many of your friends are sailing in the same boat? 


i can speak on behalf of my wife, in her family 4 of her relatives are divorcess / seperated and 3 of her closest buddies are all divorced somewhere down the line she also got inspired by the great acts of her close circle and she chose the same path. if it is more than once, you do not call it coincidence, as you know there is a Chinese proverb " Dont judge a person by his relatives but judge a person by the friends he / she keeps"


you see you cannot choose your relatives but your friends were chosen by you, please stay away from narccist people, they do no good to your life and coming to RCR, how can you allege your husband with so many brutalities and still say i want to live with this person?


if you truly want to re-concile then just say whatever happenned in the past was a mistake from both sides and let bygones be bygones and lets start afresh learning from the mistakes.





rajiv_lodha (zz)     18 March 2013

RCR wont serve any purpose. Even if u get this decree in ur favor after many yrs of struggle, no law wil force ur husband to live with u, there is no provision in any act which forces any spouse to cohabit with each other

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Originally posted by : no pain no gain....

@helping hand....with reference to your reply to charu, just wanted to ask you, that in your past post you had mentioned that the allegations will backfire on the wife inspite of saying, what you mentioned above that..

After listing all your stories one below the other in chronological order, in the end mention that inspite of above all shortcomings and attrocities that you have done to me, I still love you and want you to take me back into your life, let us lead a peaceful hereafter.


how can a wife possibly want to stay with such a person who has tortured her to an extreme extent, and how can possibly love generate in her heart for her so called ' torturous husband and parents', how can she contradict her own scentences, doesnt this just go to show that she is lying,  

this will just show she is having that 'extra' sprinking of ' heavenly love' that only god gave to her, and she is a good angel...

after all these allegations mentioned in the RCR, how will the case proceed? just like a RCR case, or will it take a turn and focus more on the allgations to prove if they are wrong or right?

pls elaborate




@no pain no gain...

Here the author has been here in this forum for sometime around, and it appears that she wants her husband back and lead life with him.

There are two ways at looking at allegations made in RCR, inspite of the husband being not so good toward the wife, still wife wants the husband back only means that she still has love for the person, but its all about perceptions as to how the other person will take the allegations as.

Even if no allegations are made and a 200 page mini novel is submitted as a love letter to the husband, it depends upon the will of the husband and his mindset to accept his wife back.

Such allegations should be proved during the further proceedings where the husband will say no to the wife and applies for divorce.

A detailed investigation even if made into the allegations made in RCR by the wife would prove that such and such has happnd, but ultimately its all on paper.

When hearts of the spouses are broken nobody can do anything, for they should have thought before taking that step which would have hurt them in the first place, and no court can force either of the spouses to join each other, no court can tie the two with a rope and lock em up in a room to forgive and forget of what has happnd.  Even if there is an order for the husband to join such wife, after RCR comes in favor of wife, if husband does not want to cohabit, what can anyone do?

In short, RCR is a useless thing, which becomes the first step towards divorce!

Originally posted by : no pain no gain....

also want to know, why is it generally expected the woman who files RCR, that the husband is expected to wipe the muck thrown at him by his wife, and kiss his wife??

it is rightly elaborated by mango.....request helping hand to shed light on this too...thanks

The judge is sitting there recieving thousands or rupees monthly as salary, he is doing his job, he will hear to the stories of both party and say, yes, the spouse is hereby directed to join the other spouse.

Why is it expected that the husband should kiss and make up forgetting the past?

Main intention of the court will be to unify the couple who are at loggerheads at each other.  But then there is society where women are expected to be treated with respect, they need to be given a chance even if they are a avatar of maa kaali.  But to accept her back is in the hands of the husband.  As simple as that!

Reformist !!! (Other)     19 March 2013


I agree with Mango. Pls do not start any legal proceedings, u will invite trouble for u only....if u really want to stay with ur huuby and u love him, then only way is to go and say that whatever has happened is a past. Last start our lives afresh and try adjusting with each member of the family. U can take encouragement from ur mom, ur moms friend, ur mother sis ( i mean all those ladies who are settled with their husbands).

Try adjusting with them, if ur in laws demand smthing or are bad then try ignoring these facts and live ur life with ur husband happily. Keep him happy and he will keep u happy in turn. See i would tell u like if he starts on complaining abt ur family, u surely will feel bad, right ? same is the case for him. everyone has his own perception. If u will file cases, he will be out of control as Mango said, then u will not be able to control emotional anger from an innocent man (if he is). 

So try to mend and ask ur hubby to mend his ways too and live ur life happily without filing any cases.


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