Hello ,
i know a girl and want to marry her . we know each other since 1 yr and were also asking our parents to get us married.
However , the girl's parents committed to other family for marriage . Once this was done due to emotional pressure the girl was got married in April . i had tried talking to girls parents and also asked my parents to speak to them . but they seem to be very conservative about their family respect . i agree still this is not well accepted in the Indian society .
But the marriage certificate of girl with the other guy is not been issued.
I seek some information and suggestion that we two are ready to get court married as soon as possible . this time none of our family will support us . even my family would not support this i guess. but before that i want to know , what can we both do to get married and will the court allow this or will there be any legal issues if we opt to take this step .
Really looking for a very good and sensible advise. we both love each other and want to stay together as married couples.
kindly help to assist .
thanku !!