She should be adviced first to seek mutual divorce and / or ask the guy to reform himself and if not being willing in his response start of with legal proceedings. mans life is already a dogs life after marriage. Only a person being at the wrong end of the law understands how biased it is. Our lawyers are learned, true to their profession, but where is morality in this case. This is a personal opinion not law point.
DV now has become a tool to extort, men ? if he is not willing to pay a heafty amount as alimony or sell his underpants to compensate the wifes greed, just file 498A, DV, maintainace under both laws and enjoy !!
I pity a India with such biased laws, while I pity those who torture brides for a few more dimes. Laws were made to give justice, but here our modern women are using them as tools to satisfy their egos.
I have personally seen a couple of cases, torrid stories of how DV and 498A can be a lifetime scar on the grooms family, All, the while the girl never attends and enjoys the fun, when the constitution provides her with so much releif.
Come on people a SW Engineer can find a better match, let one guy go scot free ...please ......