Married in the year 2009, marital disharmony begin soon after. Having a
three and half year old son, residing in a house where my parents live
in a separate floor (completely separate accomodation). Wife does not
take part in any social occasions with me, does not discuss anything about my
child with me (she does it with her parents), abstains from physical relationship and last but not least
often goes to her parental home along with my son without even informing me when
she is going to return, let alone taking my consent. Her parents have already threatened me and my family to put me and my family behind bars if we do not comply with the their daughter's whims. I am trying me best to save the marriage
since we have a child. But now, things have gone much beyond tolerance. Under this scenario,
if I start living seprately in a separate bedroom and start cooking for myself, without shying away any financial resposnsiblties towards wife and children do you experts think
that may go against me legally?