I am a bonafide tenanat of one shop room which is unedr my pocession of my family since 1972, The property earlier used to belong to "Dakshineswar Ramkirshna Mission Aadhyapith Sangha" which is a Religional Trust, later on in the year 1978 , the property was transfered to some Mr. Guha and my father used to pay monthly rent for that shop room to Mr. Guha, now recently Mr. Guha has died and his surviving widow Mrs. Guha & his two surviving daughters are interested to sell off the porperty to us and we are also interested to purchase the said property from her. But the lady does not have any document which substatiate the Transfer of that property to her name by the way of succession moreover the earlier Preperty transfer document i.e. Sale deed of the property from above mentioned "Dakshineswar Ramkrishna Mission Aadhyapith sangha" to the name of Mr. Guha is also not available with her , meanwhile I made a legal searching in the office of the Registrar of Assurances but no entry was found in the year of 1978, so far I knwo any property transfer from Religional Trust to individual necessiates a High court order which is also not available to us now. Since my father has also died and he was a court valuer so I think he had agreed the landlordship of Mr. Roy after verifying all the necessary document but now nothing is availabe to us. Pl help how we can procedd further to purchase the property.