I stay in a co-operative society, where the society committee formed an internal project committee without calling for a meeting and in a social gathering among a few people a committee was formed and a circular was sent after a week on the formation of this committee to all the flat members. When I sent a written letter asking the society how this election took place, the President told me that he can take any such decision. .
The Project for which this committee was formed has decided to do some work in the society which will cost over 2lacs, for which I felt that all flats members should be informed about the total expenses that was going to be incurred for which again I asked the society committee to give it to us in writing and they said it will be informed to all flat members once the work is over and in a general body committee meeting, is this right that a flat member cannot ask for the expenditure details or challenge the expenses.
Pls let me know if a committee can be formed without a meeting called for. Or in any society social gathering without an agenda.
Is this type of information not necessary for the all flat member to be intermitted.
Is this type of expenditure which is going to be incurred not necessary to be intermitted to each flat member.
Kindly advise at the earliest.