Does the Property accquired through "Registered will" by a child through her deceased mother is called as "Inherited property" or "Self-accquired" property for a child ?
Nidhi (Manager) 28 October 2009
Does the Property accquired through "Registered will" by a child through her deceased mother is called as "Inherited property" or "Self-accquired" property for a child ?
Suchitra. S (Advocate) 28 October 2009
It is self acquired property of the child.
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed (Advocate ) 28 October 2009
Dear Suchitra,
It is inherited property for the child.
Ms. Suchitra please clarify how it is self acquire property?
Suchitra. S (Advocate) 28 October 2009
Sir, I left some points to be clarified in my reply. Thanks for correcting me. I wanted to say, if one gets property from his mother which she has got from her parents, then it becomes self earned property of the child. If the property is through her husbands porperty, then it is ancestral. Am I right?