I want purchase lands in Uttarakand state.But my native is andhra pradesh.If any restictions were there for non locals(i.e.A.P. residents.Please guide me in this issue.
I want purchase lands in Uttarakand state.But my native is andhra pradesh.If any restictions were there for non locals(i.e.A.P. residents.Please guide me in this issue.
Ashish Chakravarty (Advocate) 19 April 2012
There is several restrictions in UPZALR Act with regards to purchase of Agricultural land with respect to area, caste and use for eg. in event of area a purchase of," maximum (250 Sq. Mtrs.) is permissible in event you are not a "Bhumidhar", so if you want to purchase agricultural land in excess of 250 Sq. Mtrs. in the state of Uttarakhand you will have to seek permission, however there is no such restriction in case you want to purchase land which is not agricultural( i.e. not governed by the UPZALR Act ), bear in mind that for a land to be not governed by the said act a declaration of "abadi" under section 147 of the act is a must and only after such declaration is made the abovementioned restriction shall not be applicable anymore, irrespective of what the actual land use might be, i hope you are getting it, anyway, if you will be more specific with the details of the land i will be more helpful
p.s. there are some other restrictions too with regards to lease, purchase of land belonging to a sc st etc so be specific.