Husband Singapore citizen. Wife an Indian. Marriage took place in India. Husband left the wife as large quarrel between both the side and their families took place. Wife went to Singapore to join her husband. He did not admit. On the other hand husband moved the Singapore syaria court. Mean time the family court of Singapore granted interim maintenance until a final decree is awarded by the Syariah court. Summons served on the wife. She replied arguing her side. Initially the husband argued that he had already divorced his wife in India. Court negatived this contention. However finally when the court delivered verdict a final triple diorce was pronounced by the husband in the court itself. Court approved it. Now the wife says since the marriage took place in India triple talaq is not valid in India. I told her that since she agreed to contest the case, she can not raise a different plea in India now. But for the passing of the banning of triple divorce, my view may be alright. But in the presence of the present legislation, is the talaq pronounced in Singapore is valid or not? Learned gentlemen may discuss the issue since it is a peculiar case we normally come across.