If a non indian company who does not have any business in india or any asset in india files a money suit in india.
Is there any rule in which court can ask for security deposit if the defendant files a counter claim.
abhishek (owner) 10 September 2014
If a non indian company who does not have any business in india or any asset in india files a money suit in india.
Is there any rule in which court can ask for security deposit if the defendant files a counter claim.
Hardeep (Business) 10 September 2014
Order XXV Rule 1 of the CPC may hold . Defendant need not file a counter claim.
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The Suit is to be filed where the entire or part of cause of action arose/where the defendant resides or conducts business. So, non -indian company can file a suit for recovery of money in Indian courts.
If defendant files a counter claim, -only requirement is he is bound to pay the court fee, for the counter claim.
Or38Rule 5 CPC provides Attachment before Judgment' .
Or 25 Rule 1 CPC provides only Security for Costs.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 02 November 2014
What your lawyer has stated.