Hi we are bunch of youth from mumbai. we have a group called introduction to law,networking on www.meetup.com. This group is formed to learn law nd do good work for common man.
Our intention is to do some good work for our state/country. There is lack of reforms, systems nd strict governess in our country. We all complain about bad govts but as citizens do nothing. Today section 66A got scrapped becoz a young girl took initiative. We too can to do it but we need some good legal experts who can assist us to file PIL in courts nd challenge the negligent govts nd public servants.
so if any lawyers frm mumbai who has this spark for his nation/ same feelings nd can remove time to attend our meetings/ fight for all pl do reply. this is honorary work you will be doing for the country.
you can ping kushru on 9920572102 or whats app for further discussion. thks