1) What Is the Legal right a Grandson has on ancestral property which is there for more the 5 gen since am the 5th gen?
2) My Grandfather has sold almost 80% of the property without my dad or my concurrence?
3) My dad has 5 siblings 1Bro & 4 sisters all are younger, My Grandmother had passed away when my dad was 16years, my grandfather had married my grandmother’s younger sibling within 10 days from my grandma expired. Till now my dad has spend all his earnings there sibling, now everyone has cheated us. Except my dad everyone had enjoyed the property.
4) My concern is to have at least a ground (place where my grandma lived) in my native place as a Tread mark, am also ready pay but my grandfather is not ready to sell it to me.
5) My Grandfather claiming that since it’s his grandfather property he has every right sell, but we don’t have any right to claim!