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Sajid Sheikh (Student)     07 July 2010

VALENTINE's DAY & Shiv Sena's protest : Bullshit..!!!

Well whenever valentines day approaches The so called political parties comes forward to protest against valentines day and people who come celeberate it. Ya they beat couples mercilessely...destroy shops, burn cards and anything which they feel is western. Thus they create a gust of terror in people. I dont feel that valentines day is a threat to the culture of our country , India that boasts of the largest symbol of love-the Taj Mahal. While the day calls for the universal celebration of expression of love in the memory of St. Valentine, in India from the past few years it has resulted in violent outbursts and accusation of the nation 'aping the west'. One cannot truly argue against the fact that Valentine's Day is, in fact a tradition borrowed from the west, but so is the New year and Birthday celebrations. Mother's day , father's day and so many other days are also celebrated with out any protests, while the Valentines day always manages to cause a conflict. This is merely to seek attention of media and those people who are blinded in the orthodoxy of preserving their culture. Moreover this celeberation does not create any voilence but just spread love.

SOCIAL-TERRORISTSWell i must say these anti-social, anti-western political parties are the SOCIAL TERRORISTS, SOCIAL NAXALS and SOCIA MILITANTS who in their tempting rage and mislead minds creates anarchy.


Anyone who reads this topic please check this link too


With regards,

Sajid Sheikh



 20 Replies

Sajid Sheikh (Student)     07 July 2010

Apologies if it seems offensive...!!!

Sajid Shiekh

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     07 July 2010

Sajid Sheik  if want to protest go and protest in arab countries and afghanistan...because how they are treating the women in their countries.

Actually india is a hindu country so they want to protect our culture thats why they are against western culture see every religion has his own culture we are not objecting if you implement some rules among ur community in the same way dont go against if some other community people want to implement some rules.

Sajid Sheikh (Student)     07 July 2010

Dear Satish Goud you may not be wrong but you r not fully right. Firstly as you cited that i should protest for afghanistan.....then i must proudly say I AM AN INDIAN FIRST Firstly i will think of cleaning garbage of my country then If i get time i will go for afghanistan too.....Here you are not wrongt that India is hindu country but one must keep in mind that India is secular too..The medium which these political parties use for ethical cleaning is BULLSHIT>>> Showing ove for someone in a decent way is not at all wrong. Take for instance you and your girlfriend are beaten on valentines day in front of camera then where will your respect for culture go...then will you still favour the culture preservation of these parties. Where is our Right to live freely....Going out with our partner is not wrong but on other hand it only increase the strength of bonding..... LOVE FOR FEMALE PARTNER IS THE LAW OF NATURE  When police is there then why these mislead people cause problems for others....Then why these bullsh*t people take law in their hands... If we use western technology then whats wrong in testing its culture...If we compare the non-techno progress of bihar with hi-tech progress of mumbai....Is our myth clear...We must not bind anyone to follow a custom of tradition or culture......If sati system is in our hindu culture why dont we favour it now....same is the case with child marraige, widow remarriage...etc why are we against these deeply old cultures...If Lord Ram used Sati Why dont our rational minds abstain from it......ITS THE TIME TO CAHNGE ITS THE TIME FOR A REVOLUTION OF MINDS



Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     08 July 2010

Dear Sajid

I know that your are indian and india is secular country everyone knows that.

first thing rama didnt used was test for sita to prove that she is not guilty  thats why rama asked sita to go into the fire.

We can taste the culture of other countries at the same time we should see which is affecting our culture and at same time shiva sena is hindu ideological party so the party want to preserve our hindu culture thats why it is protecting our culture so if the party men are beating up the lovers who found in the streets or parks etc...already they have been giving warning so people should understand the ideologies of that party and accept that.

For ex. in muslim or christian culture you pass some rules we dont interfere in them because their culture prohbit from doing something like burkha to cover whole the body. 

If u see muslim countires in the world they pass strict rules people follow them even they dont like that rules ok.  in the same india is hindu dominated and hindu country so some parties want to protect the hindu culture thats why they are against to some celebrations which will affect the culture and influence the youth which is affecting whole the country so we should appreciate them because atleast they are trying to protect our hindu culture....i know we are completely westernised at the same time as a hindu i feel to protect the culture of india and hindu .  Parties like shivsena, RSS Bajrang Dal are trying to preserve our culture if there was no such parties india would have become either muslim or christian country.

So we feel proud the acts done by such parties who are protecting and fighting for india and hindu culture.

See sati system was not in hindu culture it was introduced in mid 18th century by some crazy people even people was against it and that was completely vanished.

Child marriages widow marriages was also exist in our hindu cutlure previous time but due to muslim invasion and british rulers so many changes have been adopted into hindu culture

Everybody wants to change but at the same time it shouldnt affect our culture without affecting our culture we are ready for anykind of change.

Dont ever dare to comment on Shiva sena or some other party

Sajid Sheikh (Student)     08 July 2010

Dear Mr Satish Goud ji. I feel you are mistaken between acceptible and forced ideology. Yor arguement in support of Lord Rama is baseless. Whatever the case may be he followed the custom of sati. Secondly your citation about its origin is wrong....Refer to this link of wikipedia

and get to know it in detail please.....

Argument that the Rig Veda sanctions sati

It is often claimed that this most ancient text sanctions or prescribes sati. This is based on verse 10.18.7, part of the verses to be used at funerals. Whether they even describe sati or something else entirely, is disputed, The hymn is about funeral by burial, and not by cremation. There are differing translations of the passage. The translation below is one of those said to prescribe it.

इमा नारीरविधवाः सुपत्नीराञ्जनेन सर्पिषा संविशन्तु |
अनश्रवो.अनमीवाः सुरत्ना आ रोहन्तु जनयोयोनिमग्रे || (RV 10.18.7)
Let these women, whose husbands are worthy and are living, enter the house with ghee (applied) as collyrium (to their eyes). Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned.[32]

The text does not mention widowhood, and other translations differ in their translation of the word here rendered as 'pyre' (yoni, literally "seat, abode"; Griffith has "first let the dames go up to where he lieth"). In addition, the following verse, which is unambiguously about widows, then contradicts any suggestion of the woman's death; it explicitly states that the widow should return to her house.

उदीर्ष्व नार्यभि जीवलोकं गतासुमेतमुप शेष एहि |
हस्तग्राभस्य दिधिषोस्तवेदं पत्युर्जनित्वमभि सम्बभूथ || (RV 10.18.8)
Rise, come unto the world of life, O woman — come, he is lifeless by whose side thou liest. Wifehood with this thy husband was thy portion, who took thy hand and wooed thee as a lover.[33]

A reason given for the discrepancy in translation and interpretation of verse 10.18.7, is that one consonant in a word that meant house, yonim agree "foremost to the yoni", was deliberately changed by those who wished claim scripttural justification, to a word that meant fire, yomiagne

Moreover I fully support your effort but i am against this ideology......What ideology muslim fanatics have or the Taliban have as quoted by Goodboy can never be justified....THATS WHY OUR CONSTITUTION HAS GIVEN US FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. What i want to say is that they are wrong in the way of implementation. There is no question of majority.....but equality is the righteous principle. I we for ex take j&k as it is muslim dominated ...what if taliban chops off head of every female hindu or muslim who dont wear burkha....Wearing burkha is not wrong but it may not be liked by some people. In other case if we go by so called cheab ideology then freedom will have no existance . Then democrack will change to Dictatorship.....



Sajid Sheikh

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     08 July 2010

dear sajid

Who ever made the party is to protect our hindu culture.. ofcourse there will be one person who want to protect the culture so thats why he might have started a party or organization to protect the hindu muslims they have waqk board or taliban or some other simi or other some organizations.

as you quoted about ajantha and doesnt say that by watching them you should do the same thing says the pictures which are in ajantha or khajuraho...shows that this is nothing but creation..but you should do it legally like getting married. ok

Shivsena doesnt kill anyone who doesnt pracitce hindu culture like taliban what they are doing just they protesting and sending message to youth of india that this is not our culture we should save and protect the hindu culture ok

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     08 July 2010

hello every hindu will support Lord Rama he is our god ok...we are not against about ur culture and ur prophet ok

the practice of sati was different in olden ages...why the wife want to die on pyre or husband because she dont want to live in this world without his husband b;coz his beloved husband is dead so she dont want to leave that was the practice of sati but now it is changed because if husband dies the next day they marry someone else...we are not following our culture thats why there is lot of sorrow and troubles in india...if you see in the olden days everyone was happy with their family but what you see now is different.

Dont qoute from rig veda...because it is translated by grafith he is christian and some other muslim people..ok first of all they dont know sanskrit rigveda is written in sanskrit

Let these women who are not widows, who have good husbands, enter (anointed) with butter. Let women without tears, decorated with jewels, first proceed to the house." Shri Radhakrishna Shrimali and Smt. Ashalata Upadhaya of Jodhpur in their book Rigveda (Diamond Pocket books, page 156) give similar interpretations of X 18.7 and X 18.8. Thus, different authors from different places vouch that richa X 18.7 does not refer to widows at all. What this richa says in a nutshell is that, married women should be first (among others) to return to their homes.

The eighth richa (X 18.8) specifically commands a Hindu widow to return alive to her home. H.H. Wilson translates: "Rise woman, and go to the world of living beings; come, this man near whom you sleep is lifeless; you have enjoyed this state of being the wife of your husband, the suitor who took you by the hand." Here again, it is confirmed that X 18.8 actually commands a Hindu widow to return to the world of living beings. Also, this very richa confers upon her full right on the house of her deceased husband (apne putradi aur ghar). In 1995, the Supreme Court interpreted Section 14 (1) of the Hindu Succession Act to the effect that a Hindu widow has full ownership rights over properties she inherits from her deceased husband. The Supreme Court said that the objective was to wipe out disabilities imposed by Hindu shastras. The Supreme Court thus reasserted rights conferred on widows under richa X 18.8.

According to Acharya Sayana, it is the first six richas of sukta 16 of the chapter 10 of the Rigveda (X 16.1 to 6) which are to be recited at funeral pyres; and, none of these six richas either call for burning of widows or make any reference to widows. I would like to draw the attention of readers to richa X 40.8 of the Rigveda which praises Ashwin gods for protecting a widow. It shows gods were praised for protecting widows. How could gods go to protect widows, and, thus act against the Rigveda if the Rigveda had actually commanded burning of widows? Another richa, X 40.2, may come as a complete surprise to many Hindus. H. H. Wilson translates it: "Where are you, Ashwins, by night? Where are you by day? Where do you sojourn? Where do you dwell? Who brings you into his presence in the same place (of sacrifice) as on her couch a widow (brings) her husband's brother, as a woman (brings) her husband (to her)." Thus, the Rigveda not only sanctioned survival of a widow but also her living with her devar with full dignity and honour in the family. So it expressly sanctioned widow marriage.

The third chapter of the Rigveda is considered the oldest part of the Rigveda. Richa III 31.1 commands that a son-less father accepts the son of his daughter as his own son. That is, all properties of a son-less father shall be inherited by the son of his daughter. Richa III 31.2 commands that if parents have both son and a daughter, the son performs holy acts of pindadaan (after death of father) and the daughter has to be enriched with gifts (rindhan, that is, to be made wealthy). Richa II 17.7 also attests share of a daughter in the property of her father.

Those who misinterpret the Rigveda to say that it sanctions sati do this mischief by misspelling the last word of richa X 18. 7 as "yomiagne." The last word of this richa is actually "yomiagre." Thus, there is no richa in Rigveda calling for widow burning. Veda, Ramayana and Gita are the three supreme scripttures of Hindus.

All others (like Brahmanas, Upanishads, Puranas, Dharmashastras, Sutras, etc. ) are just commentaries, explanatory notes or stories written by individuals. As commentaries written on the Constitution of India cannot override the articles of the Constitution of India, similarly, commentaries or explanations on Vedas by individuals cannot supersede richas of Vedas or the Ramayana or Gita. In the Ramayana, everyone knows that after the death of King Dasharatha, his wives were never asked to step into the pyre of Dasharatha. Rather, they lived in family with full honour and Ram always bowed his head before his widowed mothers with full respect. In the Mahabharata, Kunti, mother of the Pandavas did not commit sati. Thus, there is no command in the Ramayana or in Gita to commit sati.

Over the centuries, relatives have been murdering relatives for property. This will continue in the coming centuries too. Greed is human nature. If greedy people incite a widow to commit suicide on the pyre of her husband, let us not say or believe that widow burning is sanctified by the Rigveda or by Hinduism. Richa X 18.3 commands a Hindu widow to separate from the dead and richa X 10.8 commands her to return alive to her children and her home. For their own empowerment, Hindu women should to remember the seven richas viz (II 17.7), (III 31.2) (X 18.3) (X l8.8) (X 40.2) and X 40.8) to assert and claim their status and rights.

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     08 July 2010

Dear Sajid

Dont quote rigveda or something else from your islamic websites bcoz they all have misintrepet the our sacred texts who wants to say that their religion is best and we should follow that religion.

My point is shivsena, vhp or bajrang dal whatever organization or party are founded to protect our hindu culture as muslim you might feel they are wrong but we are happy what they are doing thats why all hindus are supporting that organizations or party.

Thats why they are elected by the people of india if they feel they are wrong than they wouldnt have elected them.

so dont commment on our hindu organizations because we dont like muslim culture but we still accept them we are not against ur organizations but we are against terrorism.

J & K is muslim dominated state how can you impose a that every women should wear burkha it is impossible b'cause Jammu kashmir is part of india so they enjoy their rights it was ruled by hindu king before the independence you shouldnt forget that.

if you keep on aruguing who is right or will never realise the truth so dont every say bullsh*t or something on hindu organizations you got my point if you dont like keep quiet if you have problem with them go to police station or file a case on them ..court will look into the matter you dont have any right to blame on our hindu organizations...understood dont ever dare because we can also start blaming ur organizations and ur culture..but this is not the right place. ok

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     08 July 2010

one more request if you are much intersted to know about hindu culture first try to learn sanskrit than read rigveda or other texts than you will understand the greatness of hindu culture and hindus dont quote from islamic websites which they have false messages.  the crazy people want to degrade our hindu culture and society thats why they have been qouting from rigveda...if you really want to know the truth learn sanskrit than read rigveda than you will understand.

About Lord Rama Rama's life and journey is one of perfect adherence to dharma despite harsh tests of life and time. He is pictured as the ideal man and the perfect human. For the sake of his father's honour

He is our god whatever he has done is according to the karma muslim people will never understand the concept of karma because you feel that your religion is best in the world and everyone should accept their religion...just see what muslim invaders have done to india..just go and read the text books what happend in the history you will know about ur culture.

Even though we are always patience in 10,000 years of history india never invaded any country that is most of people were hindus ....muslim religion was started after the invasion of mughal empire on india who has forcibly converted many hindus before it was hindu country.

See if you want I can put a question why prohphet has married many women and why he has married ayesha who is 9 years old?  so in this way i can put many question on muslim culture and christian culture so dont bring relgion in this lawyers club ....this is never ending topic 

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     08 July 2010


Agni pariksha

Lord Rama sent a messenger to Ravana that said, "Come to me and I will forgive you," before he slays Ravana. After Rama slays Ravana and wins the war, Sita wants to come before him in the state which over a year's imprisonment had reduced her to, Rama arranges for Sita to be bathed and given beautiful garments before they are re-united. But even as Sita comes before him in great excitement and happiness, Rama does not look at her, staring fixedly at the ground. He tells her that he had fought the war only to avenge the dishonour that Ravana had inflicted on Raghuvamsa and Sita. At this sudden turn of events, all the vanaras, rakshasas, Sugriva, Hanuman and Lakshmana are deeply shocked.[21]

The Agni pariksha

Sita begs Lakshmana to build her a pyre upon which she could end her life, as she could not live without Rama. At this point, Lakshmana is angered at Rama for the first time in his life, but following Rama's nod, he builds a pyre for Sita. At the great shock and sorrow of the watchers, Sita walks into the flames. But to their greater shock and wonder, she is completely unharmed. Instead, she glows radiantly from the centre of the pyre. Immediately Rama runs to Sita and embraces her. He had never doubted her purity for a second, but, as he explains to a dazzled Sita, the people of the world would not have accepted or honoured her as a queen or a woman if she had not passed this Agni pariksha before the eyes of millions, where Agni would destroy the impure and sinful, but not touch the pure and innocent.[22] There is a version of Tulsidas's Ramacharitamanasa, which is popular, which states that Rama hander Sita under the protection of Agni God. After Sita was released it was necessary to bring her out of security of Agni god.[23] Another version of this, used in Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan, was that Rama had known Sita was going to be abducted by Ravana ahead of time. So, he entrusted her to Agni Dev, or the God of Fire. Rama did this so that he, who in reality was Vishnu, could kill Ravana. Sita, in turn, left behind a "shadow", or twin-like version of herself behind. The "shadow" Sita had been abducted by Ravana. Therefore, the lila of Agni Pariksha was to retrieve the genuine Sita from the temporary care of Agni Dev. Rama explains this to Lakshmana before the "Pariksha" is done. This version has also been written in the Ram Charit Manas

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     08 July 2010

The act of sati is said to exist voluntarily; from the existing accounts, many of these acts did indeed occur voluntarily. The act may have been expected of widows in some communities, and the extent to which social pressures or expectations constitute compulsion has been much debated in modern times. However, there were also instances where the wish of the widow to commit sati was not welcomed by others, and where efforts were made to prevent the death.[8]

Traditionally, a person's funeral would have occurred within a day of the death, requiring decisions about sati to be made by that time. When the husband died elsewhere, the widow might still die by immolation at a later date.

Sati often emphasized the marriage between the widow and her deceased husband. For instance, rather than mourning clothes, the to-be sati was often dressed in marriage robes or other finery. In the preliminaries of the related act of Jauhar, both the husbands and wives have been known to dress in their marriage clothes and re-enact their wedding ritual, before going to their separate deaths.

Accounts describe numerous variants in the sati ritual. The majority of accounts describe the woman seated or lying down on the funeral pyre beside her dead husband. Many other accounts describe women walking or jumping into the flames after the fire had been lit,[9] and some describe women seating themselves on the funeral pyre and then lighting it themselves.[10]

Some written instructions for the ritual exist. For instance, the Yallajeeyam provides detailed instructions about who may commit sati, cleansing for the sati, positioning, attire, and other ritual aspects.

Sajid Sheikh (Student)     09 July 2010

Dear dear dearest ......Satish......Firstly I swear on almighty that I read youf full post twice and Im impressed about it breifness.....but...once again I want to clear that I am not targetting or being offencive against your religion or anyone's. Neither I am against cultural preservation. If you have read my post diligently with your true heart you might not have found me offencive. My fire is against the methodology of these parties that they use for cultural preservation. We are on this largest law forum and how can we neglect LAW ....Does our law says that anyone can manhandle anyone to set aright their religious sternness....THE ANSWER WILL BE A BIG BIG NOoooo.....Take for instance being at buplic place with a patner is ok on other days but whats the problem on valentines day....My stiff mind is not ready to take it dear...... Leave the question of Sati system and for heavens sake Keep the Lord away from the topic and I am extremely sorry if anyone took my arguements provoking or religiously offensive....But my dear friend who has made Law to beat people to set their cultural principles right...If every religious party starts doing the same then my dear friend the day is not far when we could not even step out of our houses.....People will kill people because Every action has equal and opposite reaction...Firstly physical beating.....then bloodshed .....Please your minds be rational....Try to open your mind....try to accept a good change.....I u cant then dont atleast stop others by such cheap and baseless ideologies and methodoligies....My dear friend i want to clear that im not against hindu ideoogy  as such but Im against  Methodologies used by hindu or muslim fanatics or any other's if it is against Law or our Rights....Today in a gust of tempting agression you are supporting them but u will realise it when you will suffer smthing like this which I dont want you to suffer. If young people of todays generation will think like this Im afraid what will our future will think for us.....And lastly your questions for me .....please search google ....because you will surely find its justification...... And I may not be wrong that everyone has a justification for his doings.....may be others dont follow......PLEASE OPEN THE JAMMED LOCK OF YOUR HEAD....lastly and again im saying that Im against their methodology they use not against hindu culture......LEGALLY SPEAKING....iF WE DONT OBEY LAWS WHATS THE FUN OF STUDYING IT..........?????.....


SAJID SHEIKH....I can just smile on it...

Satish Kumar Goud (Advocate)     09 July 2010

Basically these parties have started to protect the hindu culture and you said that i may face similar problem basically i never do such kind of act.  I too agree with you beating other people like taking law in your hands is not good but these parties have been warning several times through media and news papers and people still want follow the same things...see going with ur spouse is not problem but going out in parks with your girl friend is problem...for ex. does ur religion accepts love marriage will they agree if you go outside with a girl in the same way these organizations are trying to protect our culture .

If the people understands the methodology of these parties than they never come out with girl frineds into the parks or pubs etc.  according to modern age we have to change but at the same time we should preserve our culture.  but today what is happenning people want to follow the western cutlure they almost forgot our hindu culture so thats why these parties or organizations have established in india.

That is the point i want to say...what they are doing is right but at same time some hindu extremist took over the advantage and do some silly things it doesnt mean that the total shiv sena  party is bull sh*t or something what u have said....

The ultimate goal of these parties or organizations is protect the hindu culture and hindus.


In response to your personal message posting to me I will say you are simply a opportunist which is my views which sums up all your "liberties" related postings such as the previous one wherein 2-3 boys with 2-3 girls indulged in s*xual activities in a flat saying they are adult and couples and police raided on calls from neighbors etc etc.  and then you questioned their Liberties without realizing that loud noise, drinking and frequently such orgy sessions were going on in a social neighborhood which neighbors have a “right” to protest against what goes inside closed apartment.

"Liberties" a word in quoted post comes attached with customary practices, traditional views of any society in large, pegged with any nations age old cultural practices.

"West" does not have any culture to call its own (you name one western culture to me). A customary Hindu goes to a temple atleast once a day whereas to attract Christians to Churches Hallmark Cards and associated companies created Valentine culture to attract church goers to its mass and it was later imported to India and much later it was imitated by Urban teens to show their freedom from Indian culture, traditions and then when public display of un wed teens become a eye sore moral policing by such organisations started and every one jumped into it calling it “invasion on Liberties”.

Yes, such "methodology" are not right way to go about it but you questioned it so I love to hear your suggestion on teen pregnancies, rising condom sales, overshooting inner wears sales etc. etc. on “Valentine Days” / Dandiya Days (Gujrat’s Navaratra I am talking here) which are all expression of love / such presents given by parties followed by parents rising tensions afterwards who will stop all these your posts are Liberties PIL or by responsible Indian parents who are left with un wed pregnant daughters at home or social questioning on those pregnancies and run away kids in the name of Live - in which again is not Indian concept?.

On "Valentines Day" expression of love for each other is Ok for you. but if I say go to a temple or a Mosque / Church / Gurudwara on one day atleast to show your love for each other then it is called orthodox views and no Law is required for that but to stop such "methodolgy" you want PIL / reasoning / banning radical outfits what is this hypocrisy my dear friend here we are talking about ? 

However I'm not aligned to Shiv Sena's thoughts and not a supporter herein but these are my personal views and you have all the rights to differ to all of them.


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