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Wife getting maintenance acc. to hubby's income becomes news

Page no : 6

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     26 April 2011

Fantastic reply by @ Avani
PS: The myth has actually shattered seeing more and more prudent ladies defending social evils in logical way. However I wonder are you real person !


After the kind of life I have seen in the last 3 years, I even doubt if I am a person or alive at all ! ... Rest is upon you to judge .... :)

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Hey Tajobs, Crusader and Avani..

It appears that somebody has "gone missing" or "eloped" from the thread! ;)

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@Avani, gs

u are fortunate that u did not see a man beating his wife..but i have seen these

1.One of my good frnds betrayed by hubby after birth of two child.They had a love marriage , she helped her hubby a lot in establishing her business working in a good private school.He hide his marriage from his girl frnd .during 9yrs of his (happy) marriage he was running his affair from 3rd yrs of the fourth year he had his first daughter.

2.One of my cousin State rank holder in HSLC, engineer teacher in politechnic ahd affair with anJunior Engineer.He was from village,she was from the town of the workplace.After 1 year marriage  she gave birth to a boy.Aftr few months of marriage she was pressurized by hubby and in laws to leave her job and live with in laws in the village.She did not agree to resign so he left her and even did not went to see the child also.She is with the son now with parents.

3.Two young girls were made to marry much older and poor persons by brothers and father because they had love affairs with their classmates!Now one of them is not allowed to visit parents home and another one is ill treated when they come to parents home. 

4.A girl  married to a servant who used to work at their home , because they had LOVE.the girl had two brothers.Next year one of them married.Now the girl stays with their parents with her two child and the daughter in law stays in a rented place with her two kids.The brother of the girl (elder son) stays with his parents because he now loves some other girl and all his family supports him doing so.Why???Because he is an ATM for his married sister.

5. Recent one................A couple ..both lawyer..The husbands sends his wife to study at her own home for Judicial service exam...After few days he putting many false allegations on her and asked for divorce.As he was lawyer and had bad intentions collected points against her ..wife is shocked..because they had 5 yrs old affair before marrige..

so I think to give opinion, no need to suffer personally.We live in a society.So if  we find anything wrong from personal point of view then we can express it in proper forum.


In any of my posts I don't support wong person irrespective of male or female.

I have two sister in-laws.They never filed cases on me and my sisters.Rather they keep calling us to spend vacation with us(me and my sisters).

I have two daughters.I never, even for a single second thought that they are to be married and sent to another's home one day.

I have a small business in a partnership.We have kept a manager to manage it .we together look after it.So i get money to fulfill my day to day expenses from that and take care of my home and kids and hubby so that he can concentrate in his other business'.I even give money my husband when he needs money.I prefer to do this type of social work with co workers like you to backbiting and critisizing neighbour women or my in- laws.So i  keep maintaining my home, kids and  this small world my own(I mean social work with you and other LCI friends!).


Good luck.Hire a good lawyer.keep faith on God.

BTW i write( not only me Roshni ji, Renukaji, Ambikaji, Kushan Vyas..etc write in almost same in tune) But we never got any threat yet  to get arrested..!!

so be bold.We are with you.Keep smiling.




The difference between your destiny and mine lies in the fact that your brothers' wives are good women and do not ASSUME you to be a burden on their hubbys.

I have always tried to be a support to my family, my parents and my brother; well its my duty. In fact my parents though never had a lavish life, but they never expected a single penny from their kids or anybody else in their life. My father used to say " I am happy that even though I have not earned a fortune for my kids but I have earned a lot of RESPECT in my whole life and god gave me capable self dependent kids as a fruit of all my good deeds"... till they got their son married.

But, some day a wrong woman enters my family and ASSUMES me and my parents to be having a share in her hubby's "nonexistent" properties and ruins us without ever living with us "even for an hour".

I had all the capability to deserve a wonderful guy as hubby and have  a sweet life that i dreamt of, but NOW i have no dreams left. I lost my job and health to the extent of making me bedbound for a long time.

I became self dependent at a very young age and was always my parents' pride. Now they cry each day when they look at my condition and I need to keep courage to console them instead.

Please tell me "What should be the punishment for that woman" when you need to arrest and torture innocent sisters for absolutely vague and evidently improbable allegations on them. If they are financially not strong enough, they cannot even get quashed on a zero-merit case. While their brother's wife hires the best lawyers from the money obtained from their brothers as maintenance.

I am writing this not to seek sympathy but to make them realize that one day the sisters will stand again and fight for their rights.

Gender biased people should realize that ----Not all married women are "Sitas" and all unmarried girls "shrupnakhas."

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Very well said San that too in very few words!

And the truth is that even really aggrieved wives along with their kids do not get such big rewards!, so it is understandable that this cannot be JUSTICE


Well said "Live and Let Live",

You are lucky that you have good sister-in-laws who do not treat you as a burden on their husbands. They must be really dutiful to take so much responsibility without any "maintenance".

And regarding the case of the lwyr couple that Utpala is talking about .. well the only thing that I can say is that I know so many such cases where these people have ruined other people's lives and provoked others' wives to harass their hubbies and fought their cases (for reasons that any decent woman can very well understand) .. And such people (be it men or women) who develop a passion for ruining other people's lives besome so sadist that someday in the process they happen to destroy their own families.



Avani, to put what you said in other words "The curses of innocent people ruined by them, falls back on them"

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     26 April 2011

@ avani & Live & Let Live


i have been reading your posts off and on since the past few days.


i am amused and at the same time curious abt both of u.


both of u joined LCI at the same time and also have similar writing styles.this makes me feel uboth are same persons.


suddenly u both revived this old thread,for reasons best known to you only....and since then,u have been writing on and on in this thread...which only god knows's noteworthy....


well avani u say u have are a female but also a victim of misuse of laws that favour women ...


can u explain how u being a female have been a victim of such laws?i am unclear abt this part...will appreciate ur response here...




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Mallik Karra (Done with AIBE)     26 April 2011

If i remember correctly... someone in LCI has posted a Judgement where in the hon'ble court said that in DV act relative of husband mean not only male but also includes female..... and people went praising it......


Just giving heads up & refreshing memory.....

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     26 April 2011

Originally posted by :Roshni B..
@ avani & Live & Let Live
i have been reading your posts off and on since the past few days.
i am amused and at the same time curious abt both of u. both of u joined LCI at the same time and also have similar writing styles.this makes me feel uboth are same persons
suddenly u both revived this old thread,for reasons best known to you only....and since then,u have been writing on and on in this thread...which only god knows's noteworthy....
well avani u say u have are a female but also a victim of misuse of laws that favour women ...
can u explain how u being a female have been a victim of such laws?i am unclear abt this part...will appreciate ur response here... thanks...

 @ Roshni B,

Defend the takes of both of them instead of asking them personal que as why they joined same time as if in LCI one needs to take your permission to join and or there is a particular brahma muhurat to join sort of thing is here!!!!!!!!. And BTW why you feminists are still struck with this PERSONAL knowing each other stuff, is it a qualification test kya that one has to pass before writing a single message here ! Second why you 4 female writers have this fascination for 'writing style of a author / writer' Just rebut if any one of you 4 writers want to on the core topic therein and just avoid personal attributes of anyone new or old here - how does it matter????. Well you didn’t ask @ Hema few months back when she joined why she replied to one old message as soon as she joined inspite of she saying there that she was reading past messages all these years and now want to actively join the forum etc. ? Lastly what is this that thing you are sayign that they both are same person, does it matter if one person writes using same stuff with millions of ID's - NO is my opinion since millions of people may have same feeling for a topic....................... just take posts on its face value and not bring it to personal level is all that I wanted to say here if anyone cares to discuss Law and not kitty party kinda personal stuffs.


Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     26 April 2011



06 December 2010, 16:54  

Rajesh Kumar


[ Scorecard : 4155]

Thank the Contributor

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When a man work, he gets fruits of his labour. There must be absolute and unconditional right of a man on fruits of his labour. Fruits of his labour should not be distributed in the garb if such anti-men unjustified laws.
If some women, be it separated wife or divorced wife, or for that matter any other person cannot maintain himself/herself, state should give them maintenance. After all state is also run only on the taxes paid through fruits of such men labour.


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Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     26 April 2011

.tajobs...u r continuously thanking both of them..usually i have noticed u dont thank any member so often.... anyways,coming to ur statements taji.... tajobs u say "defend their takes"...i dont understand......defend as in???? am i standing in a court that i have to defend?are these 2 women/men any judges? the way u r talking,it seems all their posts are directed towards u ask me to defend neeays, FYI any1 will get curious why an old thread has been revived,and why one of "these 2 girls" said in one post "someone's avoiding answering these posts". if their ishaara is towards me,that i am avoiding replying.....then listen.....i have better jobs to depends on my mood whether i wana reply or not......if i find something interesting enuf to reply,then i do so...else i ignore.....and i adopt this attitude in all threads;not just this there's no need for u to cover up their statements by saying......"defend wot they say"...
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i am avoiding replying.....then listen.....i have better jobs to depends on my mood whether i wana reply or not......if i find something interesting enuf to reply,then i do so...else i ignore.....and i adopt this attitude in all threads;not just this one

yes, its your right to speech and expression.Go ahead.


Why are you take a side of these guys ?Auur aaap baar baar hema ko kyu yaad karete ho?Phele to aaap kisi aaur ko yaad karte the.(R.G)

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Originally posted by :Roshni B..
@ avani & Live & Let Live


i have been reading your posts off and on since the past few days.


i am amused and at the same time curious abt both of u.


both of u joined LCI at the same time and also have similar writing styles.this makes me feel uboth are same persons.


suddenly u both revived this old thread,for reasons best known to you only....and since then,u have been writing on and on in this thread...which only god knows's noteworthy....


well avani u say u have are a female but also a victim of misuse of laws that favour women ...


can u explain how u being a female have been a victim of such laws?i am unclear abt this part...will appreciate ur response here...




AAh!...till you were in monopoly, you were enjoying this judgment article here without even knowing about the true case facts. You are happy till you are not questioned. WEll, I would like to give you a good assignment :

Please find a single judgment where:

1. The wife has been granted 40k maintenance without even a domestic relationship or shared household existing.

2. The wife has been able to sustain a DV case on a complete family without having stayed with the in-laws at all. (In fact I have seen judgments where it is said that people should not even be summoned under this act if they never lived with the complainant)

3. Wife has been granted such high amount as house rent in addition to maintenance when the husband does not own any properties at all.

4. Wife has been granted such reliefs in an unconsummated marriage of 12 days.

5. Wife has been granted such high relief in DV "in addition to" maintenance in Section 125.


Actually just find a single more judgment other than this one where such a highly qualified wife is being granted such reliefs not because some harassment happened, but just because the husband's capability has become an envy for many!

You people are also not discussing the provisions of law here, you are just deriving pleasure from misuse. Have you at all wondered why this husband suffered this rarest of rare judgment ?, any sane person would think about this before talking about laws and justice. This is my sincere request to all law students here that please at least fight for EQUALITY IN LAW even if this judgment appears justifiable to you.

Dont pretend to be a law student. Laws should not be different for different people. You should instead join us against this "Violation of Right to Equality" if at all you believe in justice. Think about those needy and really aggrieved women who get nothing from the same laws.

What we said is important, not who we are!...Why are you so concerned about me and Avani, R u going to solve our problem BTW?..please come ahead and help us if you are so very concerned about WOMEN!

I can see that YOU also have friends here who share your thoughts, they could as well be you with different IDs, but that does not matter to me.

Do find the judgments requested by me, I hope your friends will also help you in finding these.