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Wife getting maintenance acc. to hubby's income becomes news

Page no : 5


I can just add for those who are supporting terrorism against innocent in-laws ... May God make them face what an innocent man and his parents and siblings have suffered in the hands of this money minded system.

Utpalaji, I am reading your teachings ... I hope your brother's wife and your son's wife are also reading the same - "Women in India should only have rights, with no duties"  !!!

What "environment" could the in-laws have provided the women who never came to them and left her husband from the honeymoon itself ? Also, a husband who takes his newly wedded wife for honeymoon to a foreign land (spending so much money on her) immediately after marriage could be intending to harass her ? ... If yes, he could have harassed her in India ? IF he wanted to harass her, he would also have ensured that the marriage is consummated ? ...  Do you know how many days this woman has lived with in-laws ? Do you know if the marriage is consummated or not  and what happened at the honeymoon ? IF you think this woman was harassed for dowry, you could take this case up for research and find out ... I am sure there would be many eye wittnesses ready to tell you the truth !!!!!!



Very rightly said Arupji !!!!!!!

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Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     25 April 2011

Laws are misused..... but the fault does not lies in being women. You make such provisions of men, and men will misuse it.

Legislation of such biased laws are misuse of legislative powers and such misuse of legislative powers must be opposed on street.

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San (Student)     25 April 2011

Its strange how some of them on this group are getting happy about a women with 12 days of marriage managing to get a whooping 45 K/month as maintenance. This girl should have been tried for marriage frud in first place. How can anyone with sane mind find this judgement even worth the paper it must be written on.

This is like legalizing marriage fraud.. any girl now can marry a guy for a week and claim mintenance.. any sane judge should have realized this. What has this girl invested in this marriage to een deserve to get 1/10th of this amount.

No kind of extremism is good for a balanced and peaceful world and time will only tell how this female biased laws will have a impact of India. This is jsuta another divide and rule strategy from our politicians which earlier everyone relaises the better.

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do u know what actually happened to that girl in those 12days?if u dont know then dont remark like this.who will be the eyewitness in the bedroom of the newly married couple??????

would any body harrass his/ their wife/DIL in front of a stranger?

u r asking me if that girl were my brothr's wife or DIL.

my attitude would be same in those cases.

Can i ask u- what would be yr reaction if that girl is yr sis or daughter?

this question looks very funny fr me now...

so plzzz dont answer....




You are saying as if you were with them at the honeymoon inside their bedroom ! A bride of 12 days of unconsummated marriage always has an option to go for divorce by mutual consent and get married again if she at all is a sane woman.  

You attitude will be same for a girl who harasses your family and her husband ? What made you ASSUME that this woman was harassed ? Does LLB teach you to go on assumptions or follow evidence and facts ?


What would be my reaction if such woman was my daughter or sis ? Well... I would never make my sister / daughter a parasite and would not marry her off for money. I would not want my educated sister / daughter to beg. I would instead encourage her to work hard and earn the way I do.  Else I would support such a sister / daughter till she becomes independent because she was born in my family and because everyone has duty towards his / her siblings and kids too. I wonder why parents throw away their daughters like this ...

But I understand, that depends on the culture one belongs to, so I would not expect just all women to behave in the same manner.

I am sure this woman has ruined her life the most. Though she might feel otherwise. I wonder, even if she is successfully able to drag the husband's family to suicide, what will she get after 20 years ? Noone has ever been able to carry any money to heaven or hell !


BTW, if she had instead beaten up the husband in the bedroom, what law does he have to claim maintenance from her ?

If you really believe that beating up can be balanced by money, all crorepatis of India willare be eligible to beat their wives up, pay up and again pay up to get divorce and marry again. They can definitely afford more and more wives this way ....This is what you want ? Such attitudes will only ruin the future of Indian women. Some women have made themselves a commodity to be traded for money and have earned shame for womanhood. Because of them, even really aggreived ones are treated with suspicion ....


Let me also add, did she claim that she was beaten up inside the bedroom ?????


Ultimately what appears here is that the wife and her family are demanding dowry and harassing the in-laws for the same. There can be some dowry seekers who do not have sons and so use their daughers to gain dowry  ?


I sincerely wish you get such a daughter-in-law / sister-in-law ... You think she is right, so you won't mind my blessings ;)

BTW, I would not mind getting such a CAPABLE husband (from the whole article, it appears that the only thing  that has gone against this husband is his capability ), so don't use that rebuttal .. It would really be funny  :D ... And I really mean what I am saying ... its not just theory !


I know many divorced women in my environment... And for your kind information, all those who did not waste their time and energy on litigation, are well settled now and living a respectable life. The best punishment that can be given to a bad husband is to leave him and divorce him by mutual consent. Obviously if you are a good wife, his biggest loss would be your leaving him. If the husband is good, wife is not able to leave him with the fear of losing him to another woman and so she would keep litigations on for years ... Isn't that true ? ... Just ask your heart and no need to reply .... I don't care about your replies anyway and anymore ....



go through the main topic first instead of analysing me and my profile.if somebody goes/does not go through mutual consent divorce ,then its his /her personal matter.I have nothing to do.Because every body has a right to take its own life's decision.If u have any problem then why don't u make a movement to aware those litigating wives to agree for MCD and leave her hubby for the other woman??

According to u litigating wives are not able to leave him with the fear of losing him to another woman and so she would keep litigations on for years..

From your profile i came to know you u are a woman victim of law misused by another woman..right??

Is it the cause you are prefering MCD???

I  assume that no girl who gets married goes to the matrimonial home with a hope to live a new and happy life with new people....not to earn money with a stamp of divorcee.



typing mistake in the last para of my above post


 assume that a girl who gets married goes to the matrimonial home with a hope to live a new and happy life with new people....not to earn money with a stamp of divorcee.


I assume no man who get married and bring a Girl to his home with a hope to live a happy married life with a unknown girl but endup paying huge sum of money for no reason.

This is not a 1st judgment there are many such cases, todays modern girls are not ready to take responsibility or married life, for every word husband speak they will counter and threaten with Divorce. coz they know with Divorce they hit JACKPOT and man will be Bankrupt.


Now you know why Divorce arte in India Jumped to 30% from 4% in last one decade.


Todays Girls want reap where they dont sow.

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Originally posted by :utpala kaur

typing mistake in the last para of my above post


I  assume that a girl who gets married goes to the matrimonial home with a hope to live a new and happy life with new people....not to earn money with a stamp of divorcee.


Utpalaji, you have the right to make assumptions ! BTW how about your profile ? Who is funding your day to day expenses and your social work ? ... Sorry I was just curious, because not all women have the opportunity to do social work and get funds for their day to day expenses without having to work for it. For example, I have to manage home and job together because I have to earn for my day to day expenses. I am also a woman but I did not use DV Act against my brother / father to get money and instead preffered to work. Yes, I agree that's a matter of personal choice. One has the choice of (mis)using DV Act against anybody but if one chooses to use it, that does not imply that he / she is right !

"Stamp of dicorcee" does not matter to those who are capable and those who know they are not wrong ... It matters to only those who have to earn from it ! And with such lucrative offers that are possible with false litigations , some women could instead prefer the "stamp of divorcee" because that would help them fund their day to day luxurious living and do social work ? Anyway, how did you assume that she will get the stamp of "Divorcee" ? ... Did she tell you that she applied for divorce ? Some of the women getting huge sums of money from husband never actually get the label of "Divorcee". They tell their neighbors and friends that the husband has gone to "Dubai" to hide that they have filed cases against him. Would she really apply for divorce ?  "Married" / "Unmarried", "Divorced" are just marital status and cannot indicate anything about a person's character. According to you all ill minded women also become decent the moment they get married ? Just ask yourself, no need to reply !


Anybody who talks about women / men being good / bad in general is just a chuvanist and far from relaity. Even two girls from the same family are not alike. I have accepted what I am in my profile, but now its high time you should accept why you are supporting this wife so much and so blindly ... Again I know the answer, so NO NEED TO REPLY .. I just said "Accept the fact" !

Sorry for replying again ... When you were talking about my profile, it was important to talk about yours too, even as a matter of social etiquette !

Now some chauvanists can threaten me of filing false cases against me... That is what some people do when their own wrong doings start getting exposed ? Now the owner / moderator can also ban me for being neutral / unbiased but I think throughout the thread I was more polite and balanced compared to some people who were getting pleasure in someone's pain. Even as a woman I would not support any acts of violence against not just another woman but infact any other human being. I haven't ever seen men in my family beating their wives / daughters and so I am not against men in general. And yes, I cannot support someone blindly just because she is a woman.


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Originally posted by :utpala kaur

typing mistake in the last para of my above post


I  assume that a girl who gets married goes to the matrimonial home with a hope to live a new and happy life with new people....not to earn money with a stamp of divorcee.


You have assumed something while I am sure that when a family gets their son/ brother married that too without taking or asking for any dowry, they do so with a hope and wish to keep her happy. A highly earning man who marries without asking for dowry and spends on a beautiful honeymoon destination, would do so only to keep his wife happy. Logically, a highly earning man could never have demanded or taken anything from such a girl. Anyway could she have given him anything ever near to 20 lakhs, when she can't even maintain herself ? If yes, would he not have taken / demanded those 20 lakhs before marriage ? As far as any sane logic goes, those who want dowry demand for it before the marriage and nothing like this has been claimed in that article.  Was it not visible to the guy that if he marries such a girl, he would instead become the paying party ? If he still married this girl, it was because he knew that he does not need her money, he just needed a wife. But he would have never assumed that she would be marrying his 20 lakhs !!. Yes, those whose family members have not misused laws and those who have not been victims of law misuse cannot imagine that law misuse for extortion is a fact ! And only such people get implicated in false cases inspite of not having demanded or taken any dowry .


Well said Avani!

Utpala, you know what is the biggest mistake done by ill-intentioned women in these cases?..They trap innocent sisters and mothers of the husband too, just to increase the blackmail for money on their hubby. Mothers and sisters suffer the most in the process (you will understand this only when u get arrested), so they finally emerge to be warriors. Thus wrong women CREATE warriors out of innocent women themselves and this makes their wrong efforts fail one day, thats it!

I assume that you have a daughter, please get her arrested and humiliated in the police station for at least a day and then tell us how it changed her forever!!

All this law misuse arose from the fact that parents and siblings of certain women prefer to support all their wrongdoings, but refuse to be of physical and financial help to their daughters. They do not even keep their daughters with respect if they leave their hubby's house as she appears to be a burden to them.

Initially people of the society also tend to believe their false stories, but with time they also get matured to understand the reality behind it!

The woman filing these cases never gains anything ultimately. It is her siblings and parents who thrive/prey on her financial gains and make their lives. They soon leave her alone as from deep inside their heart they know that she is a liar!

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Yes SG,

Only when such women suffer a similar false implication, will they realize this pain. God is just waiting for their egos to reach as high as Everest and then God will shake and break it in his own way. Even Ravana enjoyed for a long time and kept teasing other people till he thought they were too decent to fight back. The suffering of those innocent ones is caused in this process by destiny just to raise the ego of those evils. Such people with unbalanced and high egos suffer due to the weight of their own bad deeds someday.


True, the siblings of such women enjoy the money they get from their husband. I know one such girl who has started buying clothes and jewelry from the best malls after her elder sister started earning from her husband... And the funny part is that she wears these clothes and jewelry in crts :P where she accompanies her elder sister !

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