It is not appropriate to offer you firm suggestion(s) with the limited information offered by you. However, it is a good idea to forget about all these criminal proceedings and move foward with your life. That said, it needs to be done smartly.
Compromise or withdrawal, unless drafted intelligently, will back-fire either way. Unconditional withdrawal would be fatal and will attract all kinds of counter-claims. I am not here to blame you for filing them in the first place because may be, just may be, you are among the 10% genuine cases. It is NOT only perjury that you need to worry about. Are you going to file for divorce? Will you seek maintenance in the future? Will you be filing for RCR... are you planning to stay with him? Any compromise you enter into, first must be Court approved, and second must ensure that it does not bar you from asserting any claims, especially of a civil nature, in the future. For example, if you are going to file for divorce based upon cruelty, any compromise now, unless properly worded, will negate your future claims at least for events/conduct that have already allegedly occurred. The same will, of course, hold true for him. He can and will file for divorce based upon cruelty by you because filing of a false criminal case tantamount to cruelty....
I can go on.. and on... Any answer given to you, including mine, without knowledge of all facts, could be wrong. The purpose of this answer is only to enlighten you of the various issues involved... and I have barely scratched the surface. Filing 498 cases is easy... withdrawing is not as easy as it may be made out here...
On a different note, I think that it is not a good idea for a lady to call strangers on this forum, unless you know for sure that the person is a advocate. I, for one, am not!