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Before you file a case There are a few essentials that help the process of filing a court case, easier. Here, a lawyer gives some tips on how to prepare for the final application to the court. * Make all complaints in written form. * Photocopy every paper, every document that you write, mail or send to people. * Whenever you submit a document to somebody, get a ‘Received’ stamped on the photostat copy. * File the photocopies of the originals in chronological order. * File the photocopies, with ‘Received’ stamped on them, again in chronological order – in a file separate from the photocopies of the originals. This will help if you ever lose any document. * Keep your eyes and ears open for cases related to your case. If you hear of similar cases, note them down; if you come across news clippings; file them (and put a photocopy in the relevant file); if you know somebody who has gone through a similar experience or filed a similar case, talk to them. Refer them to your lawyer. * If dealing with the government, try to get hold of any public circulars, notifications or written regulations, which could strengthen your case. File them and their photocopies separately. * If a government department is not giving you the documents or information you need, apply under the Right To Information (RTI.) Act. This may take about a month to bear results. * If your case is employment-related, gather all the rules of conduct, hiring/firing regulations, employment codes, etc, of the organization you are appealing against.
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