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What is the Civic Police Volunteer Force?

The CPVF Civil Police Volunteer Force is a government-established initiative based on  Community of West Bengal in 2012. Which aims to enhance local law enforcement by integrating volunteers into the police system, thereby having a collaborative relationship between the police and the community. The Government initiated this unique concept of introducing Civic Police Volunteers into the formal law and order system, which is evolving as a force. The members act as a two-way bridge between the community and the police, these members are mostly the youth from the communities. It consists of local youth willing to volunteer to help assist the police in maintaining the law and order in the community. 
The Civic Volunteer Force acts as a bridge between the community and the law enforcement agency; where they (the people) alleviate their police fear. The volunteers are the residents of the area where they have been deployed to have a vested interest in the safety and well-being of their community. 

What are the Primary Duties of Civic Volunteer Forces?

The primary duties of a CPVF include the following responsibilities:
- Assisting police during major festivals and public events.
- Managing traffic and ensuring public safety.
- Supporting police in official duties, such as crowd control and maintaining order during elections.
- Helping with disaster management efforts.
- Addressing issues like unauthorized parking and other minor infractions
-Patrolling and Surveillance
-Crowd Control
- Emergency Response
- Awareness Campaigns
-Supporting Investigations
The Civil Police Volunteer Force plays a crucial role in strengthening the police force by providing additional manpower to the system during high demand around the crisis. Their local knowledge allows them to communicate and better understand the community ties and effectively communicate the same while engaging with the trust, cooperation and residents. This helps and allows the police force to focus more on the critical aspects of law enforcement while the volunteers look after the minor challenges. 
Volunteers can respond swiftly to minor incidents, maintaining order and preventing the situation from escalating. Civic Police Volunteers assist in patrolling neighbourhood areas, especially in places where the regular police force might be unable to reach. Their presence helps deter criminal activities and ensures a quicker response to incidents. During peak hours like festivals, processions, and special events, Civic members help the administration manage traffic, ensuring smooth flow and reducing congestion. 
This support plays an important role in maintaining order on the roads and preventing accidents. Their knowledge about the locality gives them an upper hand to further investigate. Civic Police volunteers help in assisting the police in managing large crowds during large gatherings, protests, or public events, this helps in maintaining order, ensuring safety, and preventing any potential disturbances. 
During natural disasters or accidents, CPVF members provide immediate assistance. In such cases, they help in rescue operations, first aid, and coordinating with other emergency services. These volunteers participate in various awareness campaigns like crime prevention, road safety, and community welfare. These campaigns help to educate the public and promote a safer environment.

Contributions Towards the State Mechanism

The CPVF contributes significantly to the state's law enforcement framework by:
- Reducing the burden on actual police forces, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently.
- Enhancing safety by increasing visibility and engagement.  
- Allowing better communication between the people and police, which is important for effective crime prevention and resolution.
Civic Police Volunteers provide fundamental support to both the public and civic authorities. With regards to the community, they are often the first point of contact for citizens. what underscores their role of community protector is their involvement in community outreach programs, such as child safeguarding initiatives. They reduce the burden on the regular police force by giving them additional support, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently. 

Minimum Age, Requirements, Qualifications, and Criteria for Appointment

The volunteers will be positioned on duty on several occasions like elections, festivals, and disaster management. The basic minimum educational qualification required to be a civic member is 8th passed this ensures that volunteers possess basic literacy and numeracy skills which are important for carrying out basic duties; given the training for 10 days and a remuneration of rupees141these volunteers are first enrolled a the thana level and will be taken on these people will be enrolled at the thana level and will be taken on no-work no-pay basis. Earlier, for doing duties for maintenance of law and order in elections, religious festivals like Durga puja or disaster management, we used to hire home guards but now we have a trained pool of police volunteers who can be used for this purpose.
 The process of recruitment for CPVF is designed to be community-oriented. Candidates are mostly sourced from local educational institutions/community organizations made through public announcements. The criteria focus on identifying individuals who are potentially physically fit but also have a sense of civic responsibility and community engagement.
CPVF volunteers demographic profile is diverse, comprising of various age groups, educational backgrounds, and socio-economic statuses. This diversity enriches the force, allowing for a broader understanding of community needs and concerns. The typical age is between 20 and 30 many volunteers are young adults. This age range is chosen to attract and engage young individuals who are willing and energetic to actively engage in community services.  

The candidate must be medically fit a s this role requires the use of physical fitness such as managing crowds, conducting research and participating in emergency response.
Any individuals having any criminal records in the local police station are disqualified from becoming volunteers. This requirement is crucial for maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the CPVF. The candidates must be the residents of the area where they will be serving to ensure that volunteers have a strong understanding of local issues and dynamics, making them more effective in their roles.
Statutory Provisions Associated with CPVF
The CPVF operates under different statutory provisions which aim at regulating volunteer activities and ensuring accountability. The laws are generally aligned with the broader defence and services regulation in India while the specific laws may vary.  The training protocols and guidelines for operation are included by the West Bengal government. In the working legal framework, the CPVF includes provisions related to volunteer services, public safety and policing. These laws outline the rights and responsibilities of volunteers. 
Further, the volunteers undergo training designed to equip them with the necessary skills required, this training includes modules on conflict resolution, first aid, community engagement and law enforcement procedures.
To ensure accountability in preview to oversight of local authority, the CPVF have regular evaluations to monitor the performance of the volunteer in adherence to the guidelines. To mitigate the risk associated with their work, they are covered under insurance policy, especially for emergency response situations.

Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities of the CPVF

The powers and responsibilities of Civic Police Volunteers are defined by their operational guidelines, which include:
- Assisting law enforcement in maintaining public order.
- Engaging in community policing efforts.
- Reporting incidents and providing information to regular police officers.
- Participating in training programs to enhance their skills and effectiveness in various roles
Structural Mechanism and Funding
The volunteers are first structured at the thana level, where they are recruited and deployed. The funding to the Civic Police Volunteer Force comes from the state government, which includes remuneration and training resources for volunteers, based on a recent report, the ad-hoc bonus for volunteers has been increased, reflecting the recognition that the government have for their contribution.  

How Do They Assist the Police?

The CPVF presence in the neighbourhood enhances the transparency of enforcement, which can help to deter criminal activity. The policing initiative in active community engagement helps to ensure the community has a safer environment. They are seen as the eyes and ears of the police within the communities. Their knowledge of the local dynamics enables them to collect information about any potential criminal activity.
These volunteers are trained in conflict resolution, enabling them to mediate disputes and prevent escalation of any conflict. They reduce the need for police intervention by addressing issues at the community level, to promote peaceful resolution. The CPVF volunteers with the local civic authority closely to address community concerns. This initiative can lead to more effective crime prevention strategies and a better understanding of specific needs.
The Civic Police Volunteers provide crucial help to both the public and civic authorities. In the community, they are often the first point of contact for citizens needing assistance, whether during emergencies or routine inquiries. The involvement in programs in community outreach such as child safeguarding initiatives, further underscores their role as community protectors.
In situations like emergencies, the volunteers are often on the front line assisting immediately those in need, whether it is helping the injured individual or guiding people to safety places in crisis, the quick response makes a significant difference.
In emergencies, CPVF volunteers are often on the front lines, providing immediate assistance to those in need. Whether it’s helping injured individuals or guiding people to safety during a crisis, their quick response can make a significant difference

Judicial Disputes Involving Volunteers

Judicial disputes involving volunteers can highlight various societal and legal issues. Here are five notable cases:

  1. Sanjay Roy and the Kolkata Rape Case
    Sanjay Roy, a civic police volunteer, was revealed to have a history of violence and abuse. Sources indicate that he has used his leverage of having connections within the police forces to secure privileges. This unusual access to the resources of police has raised questions about potential corruption and favouritism in the Kolkata Police. He becomes the prime suspect in the highly publicized rape and murder case of a trainee doctor at R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata.  He was arrested on 24 August 2024, following the discovery of the victim's body in a seminar room, that resulted in sparked widespread outrage and protests among healthcare professionals.  As the case moves ahead Roy’s psychological evaluation has described him as having “animal-like instincts” and showing no remorse for his actions.  The apex court has criticized the local police for handling the case, highlighting the disturbing timeline of events leading up to the crime
  2. Civic Volunteers in the 2012 Delhi Gang Rape Case
    In the infamous Delhi gang rape case, the civic volunteer was in the aftermath of the infamous Delhi gang rape case, civic volunteers were checked over for their roles in community safety. Legal debates were prompted about the incident regarding the responsibilities and limitations of civic volunteers in assisting law enforcement. This case led to widespread protests resulting in reforms of laws regarding sexual violence,  bringing out the need for accountability among those in volunteer positions.
  3. The 2020 Hyderabad Encounter
    The killing of four accused in the Hyderabad gang rape case, the controversial encounter killing where the civic police were involved in ensuing protest of the legal battles. The questions raised regarding this were about the legalities of extrajudicial actions by enforcement, including those supported by volunteers. The role of civic volunteers in law enforcement was been discussed about their accountability and had cause sparked national outrage.
  4. The 2021 Mumbai Drug Bust
    In Mumbai during a high-profile drug bust case, several civic volunteers were implicated in helping the police, the legal dispute regarding the volunteer’s authority arose as to enact forces and their extent of involvement in the operation. The blurred line between the police authority and volunteer was highlighted in this case; resulting in the clearer regulation governing civic volunteer.  
  5. The 2023 Bengaluru Protests
    This case highlights the significant role of volunteers played during the protest against the police in Bengaluru. Some of the volunteers faced legal challenges for their involvement in facilitating and organizing the violent protest. This dispute highlighted the legality of their actions and the implication for civic engagement in political movements. This case highlighted the risks faced by volunteers while participating in contentious social issues.
  6. Nashik Water Supply Controversy  
    A civic volunteer in Nashik, Maharashtra was implicated in a dispute concerning the water supply mismanagement during a severe drought. Misappropriated funds intended for water distribution was the allegation on the volunteer which led to public outcry and a legal battle over accountability. The challenge of oversight of legal volunteers particularly in crises was highlighted in this case
  7. Delhi Civic Engagement Case  
    In Delhi, a group of civic volunteer faced legal action after being accused of overstepping their authority during a community engagement project. Without proper authorization, the volunteers who were tasked with the promotion of sanitation allegedly enforced penalties on residents. This raised questions about the responsibility of the legal boundaries that the volunteers have, highlighting the need for clear guidelines.
  8. Chennai Traffic Management Incident  
    In a judicial dispute in Chennai, a civic volunteer was involved after directing the traffic during a major festival. Several individuals suffered injuries from the actions taken by the volunteers that led to a traffic jam. Against the volunteer, a lawsuit was filed for negligence, which prompted the discussion regarding the training and accountability of volunteers in public safety roles.
  9. Bengaluru Environmental Project Lawsuit  
    Another case from Bengaluru, where the civic volunteer faced legal repercussions for falsifying a report on a cleanup project. The claims made by volunteers were that they had removed hazardous waste from a local park, however, the investigation revealed that the waste was still present. The importance of transparency along with integrity was underscored in volunteer-led environment initiatives. 

The above cases illustrate the potential complexities and the legal ramifications of the civic volunteer's role in various public services involvement. Every instance emphasizes the right mechanism and regulation needed to safeguard the effectiveness and integrity of the initiatives by volunteers.
These cases illustrate the challenges and controversies surrounding the involvement of volunteers in law enforcement and public safety roles. The judicial outcomes in these cases have often led to calls for policy reforms and greater accountability for volunteers.


The complexities and challenges of integrating community volunteers are reflected by the involvement of Civic Police Volunteers in judicial disputes. The enhancement of integrating community volunteers and support to the police by the CPVF has proven to be vital in some instances, however, the above incidents also demonstrate a critical need for stringent training and accountability to ensure the volunteer's contribution is positive for the safety of public and trust in law to be alive.
A significant step of law enforcement in West Bengal is represented by the Civic Police Volunteer Force.  


1.    How are Civic Police Volunteers recruited?
The recruitment process of Civic Police Volunteers in West Bengal began in 2011 under the Mamata Banerjee Government.  It aims at the initiative to address the police personnel shortage and to provide unemployed youth with a source of income. In the initial stage,  the eligibility criteria were 20 years old and had to pass the exam of  SSC examination.

The requirement is now reduced to qualifying class VIII. The process of recruitment has faced significant criticism for the lack of transparency and perceived political influence. The appointment is based on the connection of political influence is the allegation made against the appointment; which has led to concern about the integrity of the selection process. 
The government had proposed initially that 1.3 lakh volunteers as of the recent data 1.24 lakh Civic Police Volunteers statewide have been engaged. They are compensated with an honorarium of approximately rupees 310 per day which totals around rupees 9300 per month.  The Calcutta High Court has raised questions regarding the recruitment process, suggesting a “pick-and-choose” approach that undermines accountability despite its role in assisting the police. The scrutiny in light of recent incidents has intensified the involvement of misconduct among the volunteers, prompting the need to call for stricter guidelines and oversight that qualified individuals are appointed to this position. 

2.    What are the criticisms surrounding Civic Police Volunteers?
In West Bengal, the Civic Police Volunteers have faced significant criticism due to instances of misconduct where engaging in activities that were abuse of power and their misconduct. These volunteers often engage in activities such as extortion and intimidation is what argues by the critics. High-profile cases have brought the concern to the frontline, the notably recent case has raised serious questions on the training, and recruiting of this volunteer; involving a volunteer accused of rape and murder. It is observed that the recruitment lacks transparency and is influenced by political affiliation with appointments often made based on loyalty rather than merit. The trust of the public has been eroded by the instances of violence and criminal behaviour among the volunteers, this could be seen in the case of Anish Khan a student leader whose death involved a civic police volunteer.

3.    What measures are being taken to address issues with Civic Police Volunteers?
In response to the increasing misconduct among the volunteers, significant measures could be implemented to address the issue surrounding recruitment. Taking up the significant high profile case of Kolkata involving the death and rape of the doctor where a civic volunteer is the accused. This shows that there is an urgent need for stricter background checks for applicants.  Formal and current police official have raised their concerns regarding the recruitment process and lack of transparency. 
Additionally, the state police have been directed to ensure that Civic Police Volunteers assist primarily in non-enforcement tasks, such as traffic management during festivals. This could reestablish the trust in the citizens about restore public confidence in the volunteer program as an effective support to the police force without compromising the safety of the public.  The Calcutta High Court has made a mandate for the creation of clear guidelines to regulate the activities of CPV. 

4.    What future reforms are anticipated for Civic Police Volunteers?
The discussion ongoing with the future of the force in West Bengal focuses on necessary reforms that aim at enhancing accountability and ensuring that only qualified and deserving individuals are appointed. As previously discussed the existing recruitment process lacks transparency and is often influenced by political affiliation rather than merit.  
To address this there should be a comprehensive push for background checks and balances of all the applicants ensuring that individual with criminal records or any questionable record is not appointed. The Calcutta High Court has mandated that the CPV have been prohibited from engaging in law enforcement duties. 
It can also be suggested that providing better training for volunteers to equip them with the necessary skills for their roles, which not only includes traffic management and public safety but also sensitivity training to handle community interaction appropriately. Through such implementation, this reform aims at the restoration of public trust in Civic Police Volunteers.

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