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The outbreak of Corona virus disease. (COVID-19) has created a global health crisis that has deep impact in the way we perceive our world and our everyday distancing put to contain for spreading less in virus.

This Article is on two sides of coin relating to families who are playing physical distancing during corona virus lockdown.

The person whose family will spend quality and uninterrupted time together. And on the other hand, the person whose family is suffering from financial problem or suffers a lot from domestic violence.


Families who are well and physical distancing during corona virus:

'The more important time is family time'

Physical distancing means more time at home with your family, this is very struggling or challenging experience but it can also be a positive experience like strengthening of family bond. The most time is the family time and by spending more time together as a family we build up a healthy relationship and help the children and grandparents to feel happier and relaxed. During lockdown families who turn there every moment in quality time by preparing dinner and chat by folding laundry, playing game together.

'This will be the first time in many decades the member of families will spend quality time together. During family vacation also families were not spend this much of time together'

Because of the nature of work load. Peoples hardly have enough time with there families but now had created lots of memorable moment for with them.

The strengthen and bond where increases during this pandemic lock down. But on the other hand there are dark sides of it. The increase in the domestic conflict violence cases in the time of crises from almost all the countries not only in India.


There is enough evidence to show domestic violence have surged after the nationwide lockdown to deal with the corona virus pandemic

According to the report by WHO organization published on 7 may, 2020 says the Corona virus lock down surge in domestic violence.

60%[1] rise in call by women subjected to violence in Europe. Billons of people are subjected to some form of stay at home order across the globe. Experts say women’s and children’s are most vulnerable to abuse.

There the U.N agency for sexual and reproduction health (UNFPA) has estimated that there would be 31 million worldwide if lockdown continue for another six month.

In the first week of lockdown one of the 257 complaint call that the national commission of women (NCW).in India

'The incident came to light when women in vodoadara called abhyam helpline for victim of domestic violence. A man beat up his wife after he lost while playing online ludo game with her. Causing serious spine injury.'[2]

'People were easily blaming the abusers as well as the victims are under 20 year of age, they are responsible for staying with the abuser. Do not blame abuser alone the person who stay in that situation is just sick as the person who originates the abuse as there is dozen of option to get out of abuse situations.'

'Easy said that done. What if the victim a housewife with a number of children and the only way to obtain money is from abuser himself? What if the victim is working with children but at all times her money being snatched away by the abuser? Where to get enough money to get a new place? With all their children, will there be enough space at relative or other family member house to accommodate them? Also not all relative and other family members are willing to help. Even if the victim able to afford to get to a new place, in that short period of time, probably not to easy to get another place. To summaries it all, even if I am a victim, I definitely want to get out long before and lockdown. But why they don’t get out? Nobody willingly let themselves be punching bag if they have a choice.'

'the other incident came to light up of bunty chand* used to work in garment factory on New Delhi southern border, her husband got angry about something on the first day of lock down and  hit her and broke the TV'

Alcohols also play a vital role in it.  The withdrawal of alcohol makes a person angry irritable and especially frustrated if the withdrawal is not by choice as it will increase the risk of domestic harassment cases.

As like coin have its two sides the other it is aggraded amount of frustration is now under the grab of intoxication, men will resort to violence even more. Most cases of domestic violence or battered women syndrome are out of usual drinking habit of men

Women can file domestic violence case against their husband under section 498A of the Indian penal code form wherever they seek shelter after leaving their martial home.

Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. It has globally accepted that women are the victims of domestic violence but other than women, elderly parents children are also the victim.. They too get abused physically socially and verbally. Section 3[3] in the the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005[4] provides women protection against any violence[5] act whether its harms o injuries physical abuse sexual abuse and prohibition



Do not try to change people even if the things are getting too difficult for you. Although it’s difficult but we should try to manage when we talk about positive healthy and peaceful life there is a grand role of the structure of the family too. In most of the cases peoples who are living in big joint family they find happiness in small things and events like watching a movie together eating meals together etc these help create human interactions which is more important in respect of overall physically and mentally development of human being.

 During pandemic men’s who got frustrated because of economic insecurity and anxiety, women’s are most likely to get trapped. They are more likely to get abused sexually socially physically and mentally. But before lockdown if women try to get escaped from being abused at home they have a way to overcome it. But now the situation is different rather their all efforts of overcoming situation of getting harassed at home becomes a failure. if they now complaint they are likely to get more abused ever than before .the authority who are handling the complaints of domestic violence against women they are responding but at last women’s have to stay home at any cost because of covid which result only in adding up more troubles for them.

We have to properly monitor and effectively evaluate to determine what is effective in these circumstances .online programs should be launched targeting men’s by reducing their anxiety and an awareness programme should be conducted on how to tackle situations during pandemic by being not an insane instead of being calm .the programme should also be targeted how to maintain peace and be a positive one during pandemic .Try to makes most of the  of family time, supports family health, stay connected with other in creative way, manage the family conflict issues in positive way .

  • [1] The Hindu. News. Article May 7, 2020
  • [2] news desk April 27, 2020.
  • [3] Mohd.waqar &ors vs. State of U.P and another on  6 may, 2014
  • [4] Surya prakash vs. smt. Rachna
  • [5] Ms nidhi kaushik vs union of India and ors

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