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Cyber Law in India

Last updated: 05 September 2008
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A million dollar question that may legitimately be raised is whether the cyber law in India is sufficient to protect Information and Communication Technology (ICT) assets in India? After some research at selective popular search engines I came across this posting that seems to be covering the topic in question very comprehensively. It reads as follow:

“Cyber Law in India is in its infancy stage and is struggling hard to meet the contemporary Information and Communication Technology (ICT) requirements.
ICT Trends in India-2006, ICT Trends in India-2007, Cyber Security Trends by PTLB-2007, etc have proved that India has not paid enough attention to the Legal Framework for the Information Society and Legal Enablement of ICT Systems in India. To worsen the situation we have a weak Cyber and ICT Security in India. Cyber and ICT Security in India is an “Ignored World” and the same is not going to improve due to the faulty Cyber Security Strategy of India. This precarious situation has lead to an insufficient Critical ICT Infrastructure Protection in India. The Critical ICT Infrastructure Protection and Management in India has still not got the attention of Government of India and Private Industry Players. In short, the ICT Strategy of India Needs Rejuvenation so that we may have a sound Cyber law and Effective ICT and Cyber Security”.

Now it seems to be very technical and an in depth research work but I can ascertain that India is still lagging far behind when it come to cyber law. Another aggravating factor that is marring the Indian cyber law is the lack of proper training to Indian police. Indian police is totally clueless when it comes to cyber law of India. There is a need to train police, lawyers and judiciary for the proper enforcement of cyber law in India.

The government of India must also do some effort to streamline Indian cyber law so that we may have a strong cyber law in India. Although the government has proposed some amendments in the information technology act, 2000 yet they have not yet become part of the law. I hope we may get a good cyber law very soon.

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