KEY TAKEAWAYSCopyright is an exclusive right granted to the owner over their creative works like literary, artistic, musical works, computer programs, sound recordings, films, etc.An idea cannot be protected under copyright because people can have th ..
KEY TAKEAWAYSA compromise decree is not a court order but it is only the court's approval over something that the parties had agreed on themselves. Prior to the amendment of the Civil Procedure Code in 1976, a compromise decree could only be issu ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS Metaverse refers to a virtual space in which one may communicate with other people and go to places using whatever avatar you like. It is the establishment of a virtual universe that connects communities, products, businesses, workspace ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) is a mechanism for resolving or liquidating a Corporate Debtor whereby the future of the company is decided by the Committee of Creditors once the Adjudicating Authority approves an applica ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS Dying declaration is an exception to the general rule and is based on the legal maxim “Nemo moriturus praesumitur mentire” which means that a man will not meet his maker with a lie in his mouth. The law regards the words of ..
KEY TAKEAWAYSThe Indian government has recognized January 30th as Martyr's Day or Shaheed Diwas in commemoration of all the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters in the war for India's independence and to pay our respects to them.The Suprem ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS Equal pay for equal work is not explicitly stated in the Indian Constitution as a fundamental or even constitutional right. In a recent case, the Supreme Court stated that "equal pay for equal work" is not a fundamental right ..
KEY TAKEAWAYSVicarious liability refers to a person's "liability for the tort committed by another" and occurs in cases of master-servant, principal-agent, among partners, employer-independent contractor.The doctrine of vicarious liabil ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS A live-in relationship is a domestic cohabitation between a man and a woman, or, in some situations, two people of the same sex, and have no legal obligations or responsibilities to one another. There is no law binding the couples in a ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS Order I Rule 8 of the Code deals with the representative suit, which allows a single suit to be filed on behalf of multiple people who are interested in the subject matter. A PIL has a broader scope and can be brought on behalf of the e ..