KEY TAKEAWAYS Summons cases are cases which are non-cognizable, bailable & compoundable in nature. Summon cases are triable by the Magistrate. The trial for Summon Case is provided under Section 251-260 of the Code of Criminal ProcedureINTRODUCTI ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS Criminal cases are of two types: summons case & warrants case. Warrant cases are offences punishable with death penalty or life imprisonment or imprisonment upto two years. Difference between summons case & warrants case is dura ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS The Indian Judicial System follows the adversarial system. Criminal trial can be divided into two parts: Sessions Trial & Magistrate Trial. Sessions Court is court of first instance dealing in serious criminal offences. There is a p ..
KEY TAKEAWAYS The deciding judgment, in this case, is Reshma & Another vs., State of Karnataka & Others The controversy came into light when a group of female students were barred entry for wearing hijab The State Government passed an order m ..