Easement by way prescriptive Right.when a person enjoying the way for more than 20 years without interruption with a knowledge of the owner of the land on which the way passes, in such cases person enjoying the way has got easement by prescription.If ..
In the recent High court of Karnataka judgement it is held that peson travelling in goods vehicle is not entittled for the compensation from the insurance co., ..
Money Bills originate only in the Lok Sabha. If a dispute arises as to whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the decision of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is final. Rajya Sabha has no power to reject a Money Bill. It can only make recommendations, ie, su ..
What is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?It is behavior that is bothersome, irritating, demeaning, and annoying. Sexual harassment is harassment of a sexual nature. But it can be more! It is against the law! It can lead to substantial and embarrass ..
Probation and Rehabilitation of DelinquentsBy Suwarn Rajan ,Advocate & Patent Agent ,Managing Partner, CARE INTELLECT, NEW DELHI,Email:careintellect@gmail.com,www.careintellect.com Emite Dherkheim describes law from two approaches (i) Repressi ..
Article-370, as we all know, accords “Special Status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir”. This very attempt to adduce a conclusive meaning of Article-370 is itself erroneous as it is not the special status that has been accorded to the Sta ..
0n 20/02/2009 the apex court has held that a suit for dissolution of can be filed by a partener of unregistered firm. the supreme court declared maharastra amendment made in 1984 in partenership Act is unconstitutional. Sub-section 2A which was intr ..
MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE AND CONSUMERIntroduction:-In todays scenario it is usually found that the prices of consumer goods traded in the markets are settled arbitrarily by the manufacturers. Even you can realize that in a market where within one city, d ..
APPOINTMENT OF AN ARBITRATOR By G.Ashokapathy Co Founder of The Council for National International Commercial Arbitration (CNICA)The endeavour to resolve the dispute by arbitration results in the primary ingredient of appointing an arbitrator. The f ..
Sec 182.of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 says that "An 'agent' is a person employed to do an act for another or to represent another in dealings with third person. The person for whom such act is done, or who is so represented, is called the pr ..