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The main reason why FEMALE FOETICIDE AND INFANTICIDE is being
practised is Dowry. So for ending it first we have to remove dowry that is being practised in society.                                  
Community facing problem should develop thoughts and think same as like other community do that is the community who had created problem.
So if Women’s want to remove the problem of Dowry then Women’s community should take hard step and cruel too to remove this problem. Women’s should take hard step that is they should reverse the process of Dowry meaning that at present Men takes dowry from Women’s now if Women’s want to remove it then they themselves should start taking Dowry from other community that is from Men’s since dowry problem had been created by the Men’s community and for removing it Women’s have to reverse the Dowry process. There is no other way left to remove Dowry from the society. Dowry was taken from Women’s family since at that time they were illiterate and had no capacity to do any job so they have to rely on Men’s for getting food. They were not able to stand on their leg. They were not self-dependent. The fact was that at that time girl were not being taught or provided education. At that time family or father/mother of a boy thought that they are investing so much of money in providing education to their boy so how a girl after marrying their son can freely enjoy and live life freely by utilising the earning of their son without investing money. Same thought came to girl parents too that when they are going to give Dowry then why should they invest money in providing education to their daughter.
          This concept kept on repeating and repeating and had been continuing till yet. But now the situation has changed now the girl parents too invest money in providing education to their girl. So now both the family of girl and boys invest money in providing education to their respective daughter and son, so that they can stand on their feet and earn money to live their life. So at present the concept of family is in making their daughter and son respectively self-dependent. So now no question of Dowry should arise since mostly every girl is educated and can earn money for her and for the family for her husband. Sometimes Dowry is not taken when the girl is highly educated and is earning good money, this is so because son’s family think that girl is going to earn too much money that she can be able to compensate the money or amount of Dowry.
                                                          That’s why education is given so much importance since there is only one way left to root out Dowry from its roots--:
That way is to reverse the process of taking Dowry and that can be done if the girl is educated otherwise it won’t be possible. We are in urban areas so we may think that no even a non-educated girl also can demand for Dowry. But if that individual do a survey in rural areas then he will come to know that how much difficult it is to ask for Dowry from a boy family when a girl is not educated and not earning any money. 
                                                                                      A girl has to take this step since for solving any problem we have to just reverse the rules of the problem. Like if any un-enjoyed law is still pursuing then that is changed and passed with name having prefix of Anti. So women’s community has to do the same here also just reverse it, which is start taking dowry instead of giving it.
If Women’s Community Wants To Survive In This Society ?
Then she should have the quality and abide these points listed below from my point of view------:
1.     Self –dependent.
2.     No fear
3.     Frank
4.     Good Education
                             Here it refers to the girl that should not rely on others for surviving in this society. She should make herself so strong that she can stand on her leg and can survive in this cruel society without any support of others.
                   This is the main problems with girls that they are afraid of doing any job or pursuing education. They feel shame sometimes in doing something. So for surviving girl has to remove fear from her heart. And as they remove it they are going to get respect from this society whether she is women or men.
               They should be frank. This is going to help them in removing fear from them. If they will be frank and will mix up with boys then after knowing each other very well their fear from boys could be removed and so boys will too not tease girl since they are in direct contact with girl.
4.Good Education-:
                                 Last but not the least is to provide a girl good
Education. That is her parents should invest money in making her literate girl. So that she can get good job, earn good money and can stand on her leg.
RaJdHrUv $iNgH.......
IInd Sem.............................
Pursuing LL.B(Hons)...........
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