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Recently almost 100% Increase of Mediclaim Policy Premium of SENIOR CITIZEN was noticed. I request to withdraw this increase with immediate effect for senior citizens.To reduce premium 10% every year & no limit for NCB for senior citizens which is at present 50%.

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Please read & sign & forward to your friends. This is a concern for all. It is not personal.

1. Government & Semi Government retired senior citizen persons get pension & also medical benefit after retirement. They & their family are secured for their health care after retirement for onward lifetime. Even their family also gave free treatment.

2. I talk about non government people & government senior citizen where they have to pay Mediclaim Premium from their pocket, from their fixed interest income. The senior citizen, are not earning persons. Senior citizens have to pay Mediclaim Premium from their pocket, from their fix interest income.

3. Recently taxes, dearness have gone high. Rate of interest has reduced to 9% to 7.4%. Result in reduction of interest income from bank deposits. Example Rs.90000/- interest will reduce to Rs.74000/- So interest income will reduce to 18%.

4. On the other side the person paying Rs.30000/- Premium will have to pay Rs.60000/- as per new premium rates. Means Rs.5000/- monthly will go for premium out of interest income.

5. This is abnormal increase of premium will not be afforded by senior citizens and many middle aged people of India. So many senior citizens and middle aged people will drop out from Mediclaim as unable to pay such high premium.

6. By this action, drop out of many people from Mediclaim Policy, do Government, IRDA and Insurance Companies want to escape from their liabilities for medical treatment of senior citizens?

7. Premium paid for so many years went to waste? We trusted Government, IRDA, Insurance Companies to take care in old age. So paid premium for many years in anticipation that when they become old this Mediclaim Policy will be helpful, It is a breach of trust by IRDA to senior citizens.

8. Do you think increase of premium by IRDA is justified? It seems that Government does not care for old people & senior citizens of India. You are part of Government to serve citizen of India. Not to act like profit oriented Private Companies

9. The high premium may not be affordable by many people. What Options you give? We are citizens of India. You are not professional private companies. You have responsibilities to take care of senior citizen.

10. For senior citizen railway give 40% concession, public transport & passport fees also charged less. Accordingly, please withdraw this increase of premium with immediate effect. you should give 10% concession every year to senior citizens.

11. Should they go to Civil Hospital? After paying so many years premium? Government has failed to provide basic medical facilities. You see the conditions of Civil Hospitals. Short of doctors. Sometimes no medicines available in store, sometimes oxygen Pipe line choke and children dying. Emergency patients have to lie down on stretchers for hours that need immediate treatment. Nobody cares. The bad attitude of doctors & nursing staff to patients. The patients are treated like cat & dogs.


12. Further Issue: In all major cities TPA and Hospitals have individual contracts for particular treatment and surgery. Insurance Company marketing Policy as CASHLESS. When person admits at Hospital, he is told yes, it is Cash Less. When the person treated and at the time of discharge from hospital, the hospital will say TPA has approved only this much amount and balance, you have to pay? When asking, hospital will say they have contract / agreement with TPA. So as per agreement they will allow / approve only this amount, so the rest balance amount we have to cover from the patient.

13. If the person is capable he will pay full bill to hospital and claim directly to TPA for full payment of the treatment. But it is not possible with every person, who cannot afford to pay full amount to hospital and later claim to TPA. This is some sort of fraud / cheating with the insurer. The insurer thinks he is safe as he has Mediclaim and nothing to pay as per his amount of covered insurance as IT IS CASHLESS. This modus operandi should be legally stopped between TPA and Hospitals. When asking Insurance Company, they say TPA doing this, we are not concern. So IRDA should think seriously to stop TPA / Hospital contract / agreement. It is clearly EYE WASH to the public that it is CASHLESS.

Our request:

1.Cancel these new rates / revision of Premium with immediate effect. You should reduce Mediclaim Premium 10% every year for SENIOR CITIZENS.

2. No claim bonus should be added every year and not limited maximum 50% for the senior citizen? NCB should be continued up to 100%

3.The problem and issue of TPA / Hospital should also be taken seriously and legally abolish. This arrangement should be stopped legally.

Hope you will take up this matter seriously for senior citizens.

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