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The 2019-20 Coronavirus Pandemic has brought the whole world to a standstill with lockdowns being imposed in majority of the countries. The fact that the outbreak of COVID-19 will have a significant impact on the global economy including economic slowdown, trade, supply chain disruption, can’t be ignored. Other relevant Industries affected heavily by the lockdown is the Legal and the Education Industry and in between this, law students are the ones most affected.So, this article will try to talk about the various things a law student can make their time productive during this lockdown period.

Things a Law Student should focus on during this lockdown:

  • UGC and its Inter University Centres (IUCs),has requested teachers and students to use this lockdown for online learning. Most of the universities have started online classes and students should make the most of it to learn the subjects.
  • It’s the perfect time for law students in their 3rd year and above to make up their mind and focus on what area of law they want to build a career in. So that they plan their future internships accordingly.
  • Students who have already decided the field of law they wish to enter, can write blogs, research papers and articles for publication that will help them greatly in their CV.
  • Many Research organizations like LawyersclubIndia (LCI) have come to the aid of the law students during such time by offering online internship and a great opportunity for law students to work on their writing skills and sharpen their research skills.
  • Online certificate courses and diplomas are being offered by several research organizations which the student can apply to, as it will not only make them learn something new but also will be a great addition to their CV. Also, if the Course interests the students then he can think about pursuing a career in that field.
  • Webinars are being conducted by law officials not only in India but all around the world on various fields like Sports Law, Intellectual Property, Research Methodology, Insolvency and Bankruptcy etc. Students can utilize this lockdown to attend such webinars to have legal insights from the bests in their respective fields.
  • Law students can utilize this lockdown period to learn something outside the field of law but still very important if pursuing law as a career like
  1. Learn different aspects of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
  2. Getting used to new technology available.
  3. Learn how to build a perfect CV.
  4. Learn how to draft agreements like – Commercial Contract, Terms and Condition, Employment agreement etc.
  5. Learn how to draft affidavits.
  • Law students can start their own blogs focusing on legal topics or non-legal topics.
  • Learn easy hacks like meta descriptions which will help you promote your articles and blog piece.
  • Students can make full use of this period to use platforms like LinkedIn to expand their network and connect with as many people they can, who may help them in the field they wish to build a career upon.
  • Apart from all the legal education, students not only from the legal field but from any field, can also work on themselves by developing new interests like playing guitar, cooking food, learning a new language, learn a new sport, or have a fit body.

How I have utilized the Lockdown Period as a law student?

  1. I wish to build a career in sports law and as I have still haven’t done a sports law internship, I enrolled myself into a diploma and certificate course on “Sports Law in India’ and “International Sports Law” respectively.
  2. Started working with LCI as a content writer working on articles and especially getting to know about legal problems of many individuals in India through forums.
  3. Connecting with Sports Law officials from all around the world, attending their Webinars and getting their insights.
  4. Working on Article related to Sports Law, IPR and Competition Law for publications.
  5. Learning how to cook.


Even though the lockdown periods seem really hard to live in and have affected the studies, internship plans and placements of many law students, but there always a good side to everything. This period has also been a blessing in disguise because of the above-stated reasons that will come in handy in the future of that student as this a perfect time for them to get their acts straight and work towards building a great career in any field of law they wish to work in. Students should try to utilize this free period to its fullest rather than just waiting for the lockdown to end.

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Category Students, Other Articles by - Archit Uniyal 
