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Traffic Congestion:


With never ending escalation of vehicular traffic the State Govt authorities should really focus on the following factors for traffic congestion:


(a) Encroachment on account of banners, hoardings, telephone junctions, electrical transformers. A strict ban and discipline to be enforced on erection of political / commercial / personal function banners, hoardings in public places, shifting of telephone junctions and electrical transformers to a non-critical location.


(b) Water stagnation on Main roads on account of rainfall should be nullified by either identifying such locations on busy roads for proper drainage of water or arranging immediate suction of stagnant water by means of flat nozzle components through motors.


c) Strict penalty by means of spot fines for all traffic rule offenders. (d) Service lanes for two wheeler and LMVs on wider roadways to be identified.


(e) Minimization of Bus Stoppings on a single busy road stretch. Number of Bus Stops can be reduced on busy roads.


(f) Construction of as many foot overbridges for pedestrians with escalators only for upward movement at vantage points where traffic gets held up due to zebra crossings.


(g) Foot Path for pedestrians should be devoid of vendors, beggars, banners, statues, temples, etc.


(h) Shelters for Bus Stop should be exclusively used for commuters and should not be used as a rest place or a market place.


(i) Auto Rickshaw Stands should be abolished as they should be strictly asked to keep moving instead of accumulating at one place and harassing general public with exorbitant and unreasonable fares


 (j) All Bus stops which hinder general movement of traffic should be relocated at a convenient and alternative locations facilitating smooth flow of traffic.


(k) Strict police vigil on Three – wheelers and Share Autos who are responsible for traffic blockade.


(l) Public Processions on account of death, religion, marriage, etc should be totally banned.


(m) VIP Crossings should be managed effectively without hindering public traffic.


(n) Number of signal points in a Main Road on account of crossings from side roads / streets should be minimized or even nullified.


(o) Police Patrolling and Bus Ticket checking should not be confined to a single location obstructing traffic. They should be always kept on the move especially during busy peak hours.


(p) Government should extensively conduct a thorough Study on utilization of path which are presently occupied by stagnant canals, rivers around the city. A single pipe on the side for drainage of water is sufficient which can create space for transportation if the same are converted as roads for public.


(q) No Corporate Staff Bus or College/School Bus should return back to its shed after reaching its destination point during peak.  Once a single trip is finished in the evening, they must invariably ply after 11.00 PM.  This would off-load 65% of traffic as most of the buses in the category return empty in a busy traffic after finishing its trip.


(r) All Electric Transformers, Telephone junction boxes which hinder the free moving traffic on the platform must be relocated.


(s) Age old avenue trees can be re-located as they pave way for more encroachment by way of Parking, Stalls, etc.


(t) No shops should be allowed to encroach any piece of land in front


I sincerely hope that if some of the above aspects are scrutinized for implementation, there will be a lasting solution for all such traffic congestion problems.


Parthasarathi Loganathan B.Sc.,CAIIB, M.B.A.,M.L.,


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