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Need for IPR

Dikshita More
Last updated: 07 July 2023
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The term "intellectual property rights" (IPR) refers to the legal privileges accorded to the producer or inventor to safeguard their creation or manufactured good. To put it another way, we can say that the legal rights forbid anybody else from utilizing the intellectual property for commercial gain without the owner's prior approval. Trade secrets, utility models, patents, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, integrated circuit layout designs, copyright and related rights, and new plant varieties are all examples of IP rights. It is widely accepted that IP is crucial to the modern economy.

The protection of intellectual property comes in many different forms. An invention that meets the requirements of worldwide innovation and industrial use is recognized with a patent. Better invention or creative work identification, planning, commercialization, and rendering are all dependent on IPR. Based on its IPR policies, management style, strategies, and other factors, each industry should have its own specialization. The pharmaceutical business is currently developing an IPR strategy, which requires stronger focus and view for the future. 


Intellectual property includes innovations, literary and artistic works, as well as symbols, names, and pictures utilized in trade. The purpose of intellectual property protection is to promote human innovation for the good of all and to make sure that the creator reaps the rewards from the exploitation of their work. This will promote innovation and provide investors with a respectable return on their R&D expenditures.

IP enables people, businesses, or other entities to restrict others from using their creations. Intellectual property gives people, businesses, and other entities the power to forbid others from using their creations without their permission.

Kinds of IPR:

Intellectual property is a fairly broad topic. Essentially, there are two types of IP: industrial property and intellectual property. Many IPRs were previously referred to as industrial assets.


The safeguarding and exploitation of the expression of ideas in material form are dealt with under copyright law. Over many decades, copyright has changed in response to new forms of media, evolving notions of what constitutes creativity, and other factors. Copyrights, unlike patents, must be observable. When an original work of authorship (OWA) is produced, the author instantly acquires the copyright. However, filing a claim with the U.S. Copyright Office offers owners an advantage in court.


The exclusive right of a patent holder to profit commercially from his innovation is recognized under patent law. When an innovation satisfies specific legal requirements, the owner of the invention is given a special right to make, use, and market the invention. As seen by the patent on the first computer, technology businesses frequently employ patents to safeguard their investment in developing novel and cutting-edge products. The three different patent categories include:

Coverage for an invention's aesthetic appeal. Emojis, fonts, and other distinctive visual characteristics are all covered by ornamental design patents, such as the Coca-Cola bottle's shape.

Patents for plants act as safeguards for novel plant species. But if the tree has distinctive visual characteristics, inventors could also require a design patient.


A trademark is the distinctive identification that distinguishes your business, product, or service from the competition. The intellectual property or intangible asset of your firm is a brand registration in India. Trademark registration in India safeguards the money spent on winning your consumers' respect and loyalty. In India, trademark registration gives you the legal ability to sue those who attempt to imitate your brand and forbids them from using a mark that is confusingly similar to the one you have registered.

The trademark examiner may occasionally find specific flaws or concerns with the registration of a trademark. These problems can include using the wrong name or facts on a trademark application form, using objectionable or misleading phrases, providing insufficient information about the goods or services, or using an identical or confusingly similar mark.

Following the raising of an objection, the status on the register will read "Objected," at which point a skill fully crafted answer must be filed together with any necessary proofs and documentation. Your chance to make your claim over your mark stronger and establish urgency is during the objection response.

The application will be handled further for brand registration and publication in the Trademark Journal if the response is approved. A trademark hearing may be arranged and you will be given notice of it if it is not accepted or if the examiner requests any additional explanations.

From the time the objection is initially lodged, the process normally takes 2-4 months. While clearance is not guaranteed after completion, the chances are significantly increased.

Geographical indication

A particular quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the goods is essentially attributed to their geographic origin. Second, they suggest to consumers that the goods come from a region where these characteristics are essentially attributed. Third, they encourage the goods of producers of a particular region. When a certain quality, reputation, or other features of a good are largely traceable to a certain geographic place, they imply to the buyer that the product comes from that area.

Industrial Design

It is one among the types of IPR that safeguards an object's aesthetic appearance even when it is not being used solely. It entails applying elements such as shape, configuration, pattern, ornamentation, composition of lines, or color to any object in two- or three-dimensional form, or combining one or more features. Design protection covers an item's exterior features, such as decoration, lines, colors, shapes, textures, and materials. It could include two-dimensional elements like surface textures or shapes, or it could include three-dimensional elements like colors, shapes, and the geometry of an object.

Need of IPR 

"Sui Generis" is Latin for "of its kind," and it refers to a body of laws with wide national recognition as well as methods of extending plant variety protection other than through patents. TRIPs by themselves do not specify what Sui Generis is or ought to mean. One of the main goals of the sui generis protection is to ensure that the true owners of traditional knowledge are fairly compensated for their contributions through the exclusive monopoly that has been granted by the State. Additionally, it alludes to a legal framework that can safeguard visual elements found in built structures, innovations, models, drawings, designs, innovations, figures, symbols, petroglyphs, art, music, history, and other conventional aesthetic expressions. One of the key goals of the Sui generis protection provided by that sole monopoly of the State should be to enable traditional "owners" to use their expertise for adequate remuneration of their contribution to economic growth. In general, it refers to a specific type of protection, one that is especially tailored to a certain subject or set of circumstances and is made for a particular set of requirements, priorities, and realities.

The requirement to create an acceptable framework in the event of IPR to incorporate adequate methods for "sharing profit" with traditional medicine. Although traditional medicines are not codified, TKDL (Traditional Knowledge Digital Library)-style databases are likely to play a significant role in combating bio-theft.

For instance, the control of folklore, tribal, and traditional medicine practices. For the protection and advancement of our traditional knowledge, new regulations are urgently required for the creation of patented "and Sui generis" systems. Like some national-level initiatives the National Innovation Foundation started to help identify, document, standardize, and better utilize non-traditional traditional medical techniques for therapeutic advantages as well as the ill human race.


Intellectual property rights are monopoly rights that give its holders temporal privileges for the sole exploitation of income rights from artistic creations and scientific discoveries. A society must have good reasons for granting such benefits to certain of its members, and as such, supporters of these rights offer us three generally acknowledged arguments to defend today's inter-global intellectual property rights.

It is evident that managing IP and IPR requires a multidisciplinary approach and a variety of tasks and tactics that must be in compliance with local ordinances as well as international agreements and standards. It is no longer solely motivated by a national perspective.

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