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Obtain Death Certificate: Punjab

jyoti        Guest
Last updated: 13 March 2009
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Obtain Death Certificate: Punjab

Department Concerned

  • Urban areas: The Executive Office, under the Municipalities Act, is the Assistant Registrar (Birth & Death). (Urban Area, Municipal Corporation/Committee/Notified Area Committee) Municipality Offices.
  • Rural areas: Office of the Civil Surgeon who acts as the District Registrar (Birth and Death).

Eligibility Conditions

Any member of the family can apply for the Certificate of Death of the deceased or later thereafter.

Step by step Procedure

  1. The Forms are available free of cost from the office of the Registrar (Births & Deaths) or can be downloaded from the website (External website that opens in a new window).
  2. The fully filled application form duly signed by the applicant is submitted to the concerned authorities.
  3. The Cashier/Clerk/Computer Operator receives the application with the required fee and the applicant is given a receipt. The fee can also be paid in the Treasury on the Treasury Challan form T.R.6.
  4. The required certificate can be collected personally or by post, giving a self-addressed envelope with the application.

Check List of Documents

  1. Application Form
  2. Fee Receipt/Copy of Challan if paid in the Treasury

Verification Procedures

In case the details of death mentioned in the form are to be verified, it is done from the actual records of the Civil Surgeon's office for rural areas or from cremation grounds or hospitals.

Prescribed Time Schedule

The Death Certificate is issued to the applicant within 7 days.

Addresses of Concerned Officers

  1. Civil Surgeon cum District Registrar, Births and Deaths at the District Level, for rural areas.
  2. Executive Officer/Local Registrar, Births and Deaths, in Municipal Committee, for urban areas

Fee Prescribed

  1. Fees for one Copy of the certificate: Rs.2/-
  2. Search fees for one year: Rs.1/-

Sanctioning Authority

Registrar (Birth and Death) of the concerned area

Grievance Redressal System

In case of any grievance, you may contact

Civil Surgeon cum District Registrar (Death and Birth)
Chief Registrar, Births & Deaths and
Director Health & Family Welfare, Punjab,
Parivar Kalyan Bhawan,
Sector 34-A, Chandigarh

Common Mistakes to Avoid

The address and other details mentioned in the form should be the same as recorded in the hospital, cremation ground etc.

Other Information

  1. Whenever a death occurs in a rural area, it is to be intimated to the village chowkidar. The chowkidar records the death in his register and informs the concerned Police Station and from there it is sent to the Civil Surgeon's Office.
  2. Any Death of which delayed information is given to the Registrar can be registered under Section 13 (1, 2 and 3) of the RBD Act-1969 as follows:
    1. 13(1) - After 21 days but within a month of its occurrence it shall be registered on payment of a late fee Rs.1/- (One).
    2. 13(2) - After thirty days but within one year of its occurrence it shall be registered only with the written permission of the District Registrar, Births and Deaths, and on payment of a late fee of Rupees Three, on production of an affidavit made before a Notary Public or Magistrate, 1st Class.
    3. 13(3) - Any Death which has not been registered within one year, of its occurrence, shall be registered only on an order of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate and on payment of a late fee of Rupees Five, on production of an affidavit made before a Magistrate, 1st Class, giving reasons for non-registering the event.
  3. In urban areas, when death occurs in a hospital or health centre or other like institutions, the Medical Officer incharge is responsible to get the event entered in the O/o respective local register.
  4. In rural areas, in respect of deaths in a house, the head of the household, the nearest relative present in the house and the oldest adult male person present in the house during the period within which the birth or death has to be reported, can enter the event in the chowkidar's book. The chowkidar gets that event registered in the register of the concerned police station twice in a month.
  5. Death is registered at the place of occurrence in the Office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths for that area.
  6. Whenever an event takes place, the informant specified for such an event has to declare the fact of the event along with certain particulars like the Death Report (Form 4), to the Registrar of the local area.
  7. The informant is required to declare the fact of occurrence and the particulars of an event within 21 days.

For more information, visit (External website that opens in a new window).

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