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Group discussion – Group of two persons choose one topic and argue on ‘in favour’ and ‘against’

To enhance their team spirit and the sense of cooperation among the team members.

To develop the skills of argumentation and the confidence of participation.

This will boost their confidence to speak and express freely.


Research attitude – every willing participant need to know the library and how to conduct research and search Books, References, Case Laws, Internet, Data base (Manupatra) etc. Go through magazines – in search of articles

This will help to develop the Library access attitude and to go through the text available at various sources.

This will make the student well informed about the subject.


Law Quiz Competition – Topic will be given to student and oral law quiz will be conducted to test their reading and to make them aware about the intricacies of law

This will help to enhance the attitude of student to study the subject in its minute details without leaving any option.

Herein we can test their enthusiasm and honest efforts to develop themselves.


Jurisdiction of Courts- students has to know about the jurisdictional clauses for various courts as per the Constitution and of particular Statute.

This is important to know the power and limitations of courts.

This will help to understand the procedure and technicalities that need to be followed for accessing the Court of law.


Search of case law- Decided and recorded case laws will be given to students and will ask them to find out the case law and sort out Facts, Issues, Earlier decisions, Contentions at various levels, Discussions of judges and Decision i.e. to make dissection of case law.

To develop the analytical mind of students.

To read out the case law in its entirety and to understand the intricacies involved therein.


Hypothetical Problems- hypothetical situations will be given to students and student has to develop facts, find out applicable laws and provisions, decided case laws and to give the advice.

This is what the main object of conducting moot court i.e. to make the student to understand the facts and apply the law on it.

This will boost their sense of advocacy & client counseling.


Preparation of memorial

Students has to prepare Moot court memorial as per the facts given to them.

This will develop their skills of drafting and pleading. This will help to understand the importance of preciseness, clarity in language, steps of argument, exploring the vision of student advocate about the problem.

Mahendra Subhash Khairnar,

Assistant Professor

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Category Civil Law, Other Articles by - mahendra khairnar 
